Module Js_of_ocaml_compiler.Global_flow

type def =
  1. | Expr of Code.expr
  2. | Phi of {
    1. known : Js_of_ocaml_compiler.Code.Var.Set.t;
    2. others : bool;
type approx =
  1. | Top
  2. | Values of {
    1. known : Js_of_ocaml_compiler.Code.Var.Set.t;
    2. others : bool;
type info = {
  1. info_defs : def array;
  2. info_approximation : approx Code.Var.Tbl.t;
  3. info_may_escape : bool array;
val f : Code.program -> info
val exact_call : info -> Code.Var.t -> int -> bool