Module Js_of_ocaml_compiler.Primitive

val is_pure : string -> bool
val exists : string -> bool
type kind = [
  1. | `Pure
  2. | `Mutable
  3. | `Mutator
type kind_arg = [
  1. | `Shallow_const
  2. | `Object_literal
  3. | `Const
  4. | `Mutable
type condition = [
  1. | `If of string
  2. | `Ifnot of string
type t = [
  1. | `Requires of string list
  2. | `Provides of string * kind * kind_arg list option
  3. | `Version of ((int -> int -> bool) * string) list
  4. | `Weakdef
  5. | `Always
  6. | `Alias of string
  7. | `Deprecated of string
  8. | condition
val kind : string -> kind
val kind_args : string -> kind_arg list option
val register : string -> kind -> kind_arg list option -> int option -> unit
val arity : string -> int
val has_arity : string -> int -> bool
val alias : string -> string -> unit
val resolve : string -> string
val add_external : string -> unit
val get_external : unit -> Stdlib.StringSet.t
val need_named_value : string -> bool
val register_named_value : string -> unit
val reset : unit -> unit