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Module Eliom_parameters

module Eliom_parameters: sig..end

This module defines the values used to declare the type of service parameters.

Here are some examples of how to specify the types and names of service parameters:* unit for a service without parameter.

  • (int "myvalue") for a service that takes one parameter, of type int, called "myvalue". (The service handler function takes a parameter of type int).
  • (int "myvalue" ** string "mystring") for a service that takes two parameters, one of type int called "myvalue", and one of type string called "mystring". (The service handler function takes a parameter of type (int * string)).
  • (opt (int "myvalue")) for a service that takes an optional parameter of type int called "myvalue". (The handler function takes a parameter of type int option).
  • (set int "myvalue") for a service that takes any number of integer parameters, all called "myvalue". (The handler function takes a parameter of type int list).
  • list "l" (int "myvalue" ** string "mystring") for a service taking a list of pairs. (The handler takes a parameter of type (int * string) list).

Note: We could make even more static checking in parameter's types (for example to forbid any in suffixes), but it would make the types of parameters and services more complicated. We believe that these errors should be easy to find during implementation.

Types used by the module

type ('a, +'b, +'c) params_type

Type for parameters of a web page.* 'typ is the type of the parameter (taken by the service handler)

  • 'suff is a polymorphic variant type telling the type of parameter (suffix or not ...)
  • 'name is the type of the parameter name (usually using Eliom_parameters.param_name)

type 'a param_name

Type for names of page parameters (given to the functions to construct forms, for example in Eliom_predefmod.XHTMLFORMSSIG.get_form). The names of parameters are not just strings to enforce using forms widgets with the right parameter type. The parameter of that type is often a subtype of the polymorphic variant type [ `Set of 'a | `One of 'a | `Opt of 'a ], where* `Set of 'a means: any number of 'a

  • `One of 'a means: exactly one 'a
  • `Opt of 'a means: zero or one 'a

type 'a setoneradio = [ `One of 'a | `Radio of 'a | `Set of 'a ]

This type is used by some form widgets like Eliom_predefmod.XHTMLFORMSSIG.int_input that may be used against services expecting one parameter of that name, or services expecting an optional parameter of that name, or services expecting any number of parameters of that name.

type 'a oneradio = [ `One of 'a | `Radio of 'a ]

This type is used by some form widgets like Eliom_predefmod.XHTMLFORMSSIG.int_image_input that may be used against services expecting one parameter of that name or services expecting an optional parameter of that name.

type 'a setone = [ `One of 'a | `Set of 'a ]

This type is used by some form widgets like Eliom_predefmod.XHTMLFORMSSIG.int_button that may be used against services expecting one parameter of that name, or services expecting any number of parameters of that name.

type ('a, 'b) binsum =

|Inj1 of 'a
|Inj2 of 'b(*Type used for parameters of type bynary sum*)

type 'a listnames = {

   it : 'b 'c. ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'b list -> 'c -> 'c;


Type of the iterator used to construct forms from lists

Basic types of pages parameters

val int :
   string ->
    (int, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of int ] param_name)

int s tells that the service takes an integer as parameter, labeled s.

val int32 :
   string ->
    (int32, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of int32 ] param_name)

int32 s tells that the service takes a 32 bits integer as parameter, labeled s.

val int64 :
   string ->
    (int64, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of int64 ] param_name)

int64 s tells that the service takes a 64 bits integer as parameter, labeled s.

val float :
   string ->
    (float, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of float ] param_name)

float s tells that the service takes a floating point number as parameter, labeled s.

val string :
   string ->
    (string, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of string ] param_name)

string s tells that the service takes a string as parameter, labeled s.

val bool :
   string ->
    (bool, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of bool ] param_name)

bool s tells that the service takes a boolean as parameter, labeled s. (to use for example with boolean checkboxes)

val file :
   string ->
    (Ocsigen_lib.file_info, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
    [ `One of Ocsigen_lib.file_info ] param_name)

file s tells that the service takes a file as parameter, labeled s.

val unit : (unit, [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit) params_type

used for services that don't have any parameters

val user_type :
   of_string:(string -> 'a) ->
    to_string:('a -> string) ->
    string ->
    ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of 'a ] param_name)

Allows to use whatever type you want for a parameter of the service. user_type t_of_string string_of_t s tells that the service take a parameter, labeled s, and that the server will have to use t_of_string and string_of_t to make the conversion from and to string.

type coordinates = {

   abscissa : int;
   ordinate : int;


coordinates is for the data sent by an <input type="image" ...>.

val coordinates :
   string ->
    (coordinates, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
    [ `One of coordinates ] param_name)

string s tells that the service takes as parameters the coordinates of the point where the user were clicked on an image.

val string_coordinates :
   string ->
    (string * coordinates, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
    [ `One of string * coordinates ]

It is possible to send a value together with the coordinates (<input type="image" value="..." ...>) (Here a string)

val int_coordinates :
   string ->
    (int * coordinates, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
    [ `One of int * coordinates ] param_name)

Same for an integer value

val int32_coordinates :
   string ->
    (int32 * coordinates, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
    [ `One of int32 * coordinates ] param_name)

Same for a 32 bits integer value

val int64_coordinates :
   string ->
    (int64 * coordinates, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
    [ `One of int64 * coordinates ] param_name)

Same for a 64 integer value

val float_coordinates :
   string ->
    (float * coordinates, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
    [ `One of float * coordinates ] param_name)

Same for a float value

val user_type_coordinates :
   of_string:(string -> 'a) ->
    to_string:('a -> string) ->
    string ->
    ('a * coordinates, [ `WithoutSuffix ],
    [ `One of 'a * coordinates ] param_name)

Same for a value of your own type

Composing types of pages parameters

val ( ** ) :
   ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type ->
    ('c, [< `Endsuffix | `WithoutSuffix ] as 'd, 'e) params_type ->
    ('a * 'c, 'd, 'b * 'e) params_type

This is a combinator to allow the service to take several parameters (see examples above) Warning: it is a binary operator. Pages cannot take tuples but only pairs.

val prod :
   ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type ->
    ('c, [< `Endsuffix | `WithoutSuffix ] as 'd, 'e) params_type ->
    ('a * 'c, 'd, 'b * 'e) params_type

Same as ** above

val sum :
   ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type ->
    ('c, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'd) params_type ->
    (('a, 'c) binsum, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b * 'd)

This is a combinator to allow the service to take either a parameter or another one Warning: it is a binary operator.

val opt :
   ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type ->
    ('a option, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type

Use this if you want one or some parameters to be optional

val radio :
   (string ->
    ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of 'b ] param_name)
    params_type) ->
    string ->
    ('a option, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `Radio of 'b ] param_name)

Use this if you want to use this parameter with a radio button. It is equivalent to opt but works only for one single parameter.

val any :
   ((string * string) list, [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit)

Use this if you want to take any parameters. The service will answer to all the request, and get all parameters as an association list of strings.

val set :
   (string ->
    ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of 'b ] param_name)
    params_type) ->
    string ->
    ('a list, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `Set of 'b ] param_name)

Use this if you want your service to take several parameters with the same name. The service handler will receive a list of values. To create the form, just use the same name several times. For example set int "i" will match the parameter string i=4&i=22&i=111 and send to the service handler a list containing the three integers 4, 22 and 111. The order is unspecified.

val list :
   string ->
    ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type ->
    ('a list, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b listnames)

The service takes a list of parameters. The first parameter of this function is the name of the list. The service handler will receive a list of values. To create the form, an iterator of type Eliom_parameters.listnames is given to generate the name for each value.

val regexp :
   Netstring_pcre.regexp ->
    string ->
    to_string:(string -> string) ->
    string ->
    (string, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of string ] param_name)

regexp r d s tells that the service takes a string that matches the regular expression r as parameter, labeled s, and that will be rewritten in d. The syntax of regexp is PCRE's one (uses Netstring_pcre, from OCamlnet). For example: regexp (Netstring_pcre.regexp "\[(.* )\]") "($1)" "myparam" will match the parameter myparam=[hello] and send the string "(hello)" to the service handler.

val suffix :
   ?redirect_if_not_suffix:bool ->
    ('a, [< `Endsuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type ->
    ('a, [ `WithSuffix ], 'b) params_type

Tells that the parameter of the service handler is the suffix of the URL of the current service. e.g. suffix (int "i" ** string "s") will match an URL ending by 380/yo. and send (380, "yo") to the service handler.

For each service with suffix, there is also a service with regular parameters (without suffix) that will be used if you create a form towards a service with suffix. If redirect_if_not_suffix is true (default), this service without suffix will be redirected to the suffix version.

val all_suffix :
   string ->
    (string list, [ `Endsuffix ],
    [ `One of string list ] param_name)

Takes all the suffix, as long as possible, as a (slash separated) string list

val all_suffix_string :
   string ->
    (string, [ `Endsuffix ], [ `One of string ] param_name)

Takes all the suffix, as long as possible, as a string

val all_suffix_user :
   of_string:(string -> 'a) ->
    to_string:('a -> string) ->
    string ->
    ('a, [ `Endsuffix ], [ `One of 'a ] param_name)

Takes all the suffix, as long as possible, with a type specified by the user.

val all_suffix_regexp :
   Netstring_pcre.regexp ->
    string ->
    to_string:(string -> string) ->
    string ->
    (string, [ `Endsuffix ], [ `One of string ] param_name)

all_suffix_regexp r d s takes all the suffix, as long as possible, matching the regular expression r, name s, and rewrite it in d.

val suffix_prod :
   ?redirect_if_not_suffix:bool ->
    ('a, [< `Endsuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type ->
    ('c, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'd) params_type ->
    ('a * 'c, [ `WithSuffix ], 'b * 'd) params_type

Tells that the function that will generate the service takes a pair whose first element is the suffix of the URL of the current service, and the second element corresponds to other (regular) parameters. e.g.: suffix_prod (int "suff" ** all_suffix "endsuff") (int "i") will match an URL ending by 777/go/go/go?i=320 and send the value ((777, ["go";"go";"go"]), 320) to the service handler.

val suffix_const :
   string ->
    (unit, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of unit ] param_name)

suffix_const v is used only inside suffixes (do nothing for regular parameters). It tells that the service takes a constant parameter inside the suffix, whose value must be v. It is used for putting constant directory names inside suffix parameters (and thus make suffix parameters not be only suffixes but anywhere you want in the path, e.g. /param1/const/param2).

type ('a, +'b, +'c) non_localized_params

Non localized parameters

val make_non_localized_parameters :
   prefix:string ->
    name:string ->
    ?persistent:bool ->
    ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) params_type ->
    ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) non_localized_params

create a new specification for non localized parameters. You must give a name to this set of parameters. Warning: the names must be unique for the whole application. That's why the name is composed by a prefix (the name of your project) and another string (the name of your non localized parameters).

Will fail with exception Failure _ if the name contains a dot. If ?persistent is true, the non localized parameter may remain if you call another service, if this service allows this (default false).

val get_non_localized_get_parameters :
   sp:Eliom_sessions.server_params ->
    ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) non_localized_params ->
    'a option

get_non_localized_get_parameters ~sp p decodes and returns non localized GET parameters specified by p if present.

val get_non_localized_post_parameters :
   sp:Eliom_sessions.server_params ->
    ('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) non_localized_params ->
    'a option

get_non_localized_post_parameters ~sp p decodes and returns non localized POST parameters specified by p if present.

type nl_params_set

Use this type to give non localized parameters to a link or a form

val empty_nl_params_set : nl_params_set

val add_nl_parameter :
   nl_params_set ->
    ('a, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'b)
    non_localized_params -> 'a -> nl_params_set

val get_nl_params_names :
   ('a, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ], 'b)
    non_localized_params -> 'b