Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.




Ocsipersist (2 implémentations) Eliom allows to use more persistent data, using the module <<ocsigendoc file="Ocsipersist.html" version="dev"|<<span class="code"|Ocsipersist>>>>. (Ocsipersist is needed in eliom.cma, thus you need to dynlink it in the configuration file before Eliom). There are currently two implementations of Ocsipersist: ocsipersist-dbm.cma (uses the DBM database) and ocsipersist-sqlite.cma (uses the SQLite database, and depends on sqlite3.cma).

It is possible to customize the location of the database on the file system. For example, with sqlite:

<extension findlib-package="ocsigen.ext.ocsipersist-sqlite"> <database file="_DATADIR_/ocsidb"/> </extension>

And with DBM, you can customize the location of the database and the name of the ocsidbm process you want to use:

<extension findlib-package="ocsigen.ext.ocsipersist-dbm"> <store dir="_DATADIR_"/> <ocsidbm name="_EXTRALIBDIR_/ocsidbm"/> </extension>