module Excluding_Binders : sig ... end
The operations of this module substitute variable names that appear in expressions, except for binders, i.e., names on the right-hand side of a Code.instr.Let
val from_array : Code.Var.t array -> Code.Var.t -> Code.Var.t
val build_mapping :
Code.Var.t list ->
Code.Var.t list ->
Code.Var.t Js_of_ocaml_compiler.Code.Var.Map.t
val from_map :
Code.Var.t Js_of_ocaml_compiler.Code.Var.Map.t ->
Code.Var.t ->
module Including_Binders : sig ... end
The operations of this module also substitute the variables names that appear on the left-hand-side of a Code.instr.Let
, or as block parameters, or as closure parameters, or are bound by an exception handler.