DOM SVG binding
This is a partial binding to the DOM SVG API.
val xmlns : Js.js_string Js.t
class type svg_error = object ... end
exception SVGError of svg_error
type alignmentType =
type pathSegmentType =
class type 'a animated = object ... end
class type 'a list = object ... end
class type element = object ... end
class type animatedString = Js.js_string Js.t animated
class type animatedBoolean = bool Js.t animated
class type stringList = Js.js_string Js.t list
class type animatedEnumeration = int animated
class type animatedInteger = int animated
class type animatedNumber = Js.number_t animated
class type numberList = Js.number Js.t list
class type animatedNumberList = numberList Js.t animated
class type length = object ... end
class type animatedLength = length Js.t animated
class type lengthList = length Js.t list
class type animatedLengthList = lengthList Js.t animated
class type angle = object ... end
class type animatedAngle = angle Js.t animated
class type rgbColor = object ... end
class type color = object ... end
class type iccColor = object ... end
class type rect = object ... end
class type animatedRect = rect Js.t animated
class type stylable = object ... end
class type locatable = object ... end
class type transformable = object ... end
class type tests = object ... end
class type langSpace = object ... end
class type externalResourcesRequired = object ... end
class type fitToViewBox = object ... end
class type zoomAndPan = object ... end
class type viewSpec = object ... end
class type uriReference = object ... end
class type document = object ... end
class type svgElement = object ... end
class type gElement = object ... end
class type defsElement = object ... end
class type descElement = object ... end
class type titleElement = object ... end
class type symbolElement = object ... end
class type useElement = object ... end
class type elementInstance = object ... end
class type elementInstanceList = object ... end
class type imageElement = object ... end
class type switchElement = object ... end
class type styleElement = object ... end
class type point = object ... end
class type matrix = object ... end
class type transform = object ... end
class type transformList = object ... end
class type animatedTransformList = transformList Js.t animated
class type preserveAspectRatio = object ... end
class type animatedPreserveAspectRatio = preserveAspectRatio Js.t animated
class type pathSeg = object ... end
class type pathSegClosePath = pathSeg
class type pathSegMoveto = object ... end
class type pathSegLineto = object ... end
class type pathSegCurvetoCubic = object ... end
class type pathSegCurvetoQuadratic = object ... end
class type pathSegArc = object ... end
class type pathSegLinetoHorizontal = object ... end
class type pathSegLinetoVertical = object ... end
class type pathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth = object ... end
class type pathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth = object ... end
class type pathSegList = pathSeg Js.t list
class type animatedPathData = object ... end
class type pathElement = object ... end
class type rectElement = object ... end
class type circleElement = object ... end
class type ellipseElement = object ... end
class type lineElement = object ... end
class type animatedPoints = object ... end
class type polyLineElement = object ... end
class type polygonElement = object ... end
class type textContentElement = object ... end
class type textPositioningElement = object ... end
class type textElement = object ... end
class type tspanElement = textPositioningElement
class type trefElement = object ... end
class type textPathElementMethod = textPathMethodType animated
class type textPathElementSpacing = textPathSpacingType animated
class type textPathElement = object ... end
class type altGlyphElement = object ... end
class type altGlyphDefElement = element
class type altGlyphItemElement = element
class type glyphRefElement = object ... end
class type animatedSpreadMethod = spreadMethodType animated
class type gradientElement = object ... end
class type linearGradientElement = object ... end
class type radialGradientElement = object ... end
class type stopElement = object ... end
class type patternElement = object ... end
class type clipPathElement = object ... end
class type maskElement = object ... end
class type filterElement = object ... end
class type cursorElement = object ... end
class type aElement = object ... end
class type viewElement = object ... end
class type scriptElement = object ... end
class type animationElement = object ... end
class type animateElement = object ... end
class type setElement = animationElement
class type animateMotionElement = animationElement
class type mPathElement = object ... end
class type animateColorElement = object ... end
class type animateTransformElement = animationElement
class type fontElement = object ... end
class type glyphElement = object ... end
class type fontFaceElement = element
class type fontFaceSrcElement = element
class type fontFaceUriElement = element
class type fontFaceFormatElement = element
class type fontFaceNameElement = element
class type metadataElement = element
class type foreignObjectElement = object ... end
val createAltGlyph : document Js.t -> altGlyphElement Js.t
val createAltGlyphDef : document Js.t -> altGlyphDefElement Js.t
val createAltGlyphItem : document Js.t -> altGlyphItemElement Js.t
val createAnimate : document Js.t -> animateElement Js.t
val createAnimateColor : document Js.t -> animateColorElement Js.t
val createAnimateMotion : document Js.t -> animateMotionElement Js.t
val createAnimateTransform : document Js.t -> animateTransformElement Js.t
val createCircle : document Js.t -> circleElement Js.t
val createClipPath : document Js.t -> clipPathElement Js.t
val createCursor : document Js.t -> cursorElement Js.t
val createDefs : document Js.t -> defsElement Js.t
val createDesc : document Js.t -> descElement Js.t
val createEllipse : document Js.t -> ellipseElement Js.t
val createFilter : document Js.t -> filterElement Js.t
val createFont : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFace : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFaceFormat : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFaceName : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFaceSrc : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createFontFaceUri : document Js.t -> fontElement Js.t
val createForeignObject : document Js.t -> foreignObjectElement Js.t
val createGlyph : document Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t
val createGlyphRef : document Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t
val createImage : document Js.t -> imageElement Js.t
val createLineElement : document Js.t -> lineElement Js.t
val createLinearElement : document Js.t -> linearGradientElement Js.t
val createMask : document Js.t -> maskElement Js.t
val createMetaData : document Js.t -> metadataElement Js.t
val createMissingGlyph : document Js.t -> glyphElement Js.t
val createMPath : document Js.t -> mPathElement Js.t
val createPath : document Js.t -> pathElement Js.t
val createPattern : document Js.t -> patternElement Js.t
val createPolygon : document Js.t -> polygonElement Js.t
val createPolyline : document Js.t -> polyLineElement Js.t
val createRadialgradient : document Js.t -> radialGradientElement Js.t
val createRect : document Js.t -> rectElement Js.t
val createScript : document Js.t -> scriptElement Js.t
val createSet : document Js.t -> setElement Js.t
val createStop : document Js.t -> stopElement Js.t
val createStyle : document Js.t -> styleElement Js.t
val createSvg : document Js.t -> svgElement Js.t
val createSwitch : document Js.t -> switchElement Js.t
val createSymbol : document Js.t -> symbolElement Js.t
val createTextElement : document Js.t -> textElement Js.t
val createTextpath : document Js.t -> textPathElement Js.t
val createTitle : document Js.t -> titleElement Js.t
val createTref : document Js.t -> trefElement Js.t
val createTspan : document Js.t -> tspanElement Js.t
val createUse : document Js.t -> useElement Js.t
val createView : document Js.t -> viewElement Js.t
getElementById id
returns the element with the id id
in the current document. It raises Not_found
if there are no such element
module CoerceTo : sig ... end