Module Js_of_ocaml.XmlHttpRequest

XmlHttpRequest object.

type readyState =
  1. | UNSENT
  2. | OPENED
  4. | LOADING
  5. | DONE
type _ response =
  1. | ArrayBuffer : Typed_array.arrayBuffer Js.t Js.Opt.t response
  2. | Blob : File.blob Js.t Js.Opt.t response
  3. | Document : Dom.element Dom.document Js.t Js.Opt.t response
  4. | JSON : 'a Js.Opt.t response
  5. | Text : Js.js_string Js.t response
  6. | Default : string response
class type xmlHttpRequest = object ... end
class type xmlHttpRequestUpload = object ... end
val create : unit -> xmlHttpRequest Js.t

The next part of this module allow one to use Ocaml with no need for Javascript documentation.

module Event : sig ... end