Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Module Http_headers

module Http_headers : sig..end

returns an empty set of HTTP headers

type name
val name : string -> name
val name_to_string : name -> string
module NameHtbl : Hashtbl.Swith type key = name
val accept : name
val accept_charset : name
val accept_encoding : name
val accept_language : name
val accept_ranges : name
val cache_control : name
val connection : name
val content_encoding : name
val content_length : name
val content_type : name
val content_range : name
val cookie : name
val date : name
val etag : name
val expires : name
val host : name
val if_match : name
val if_modified_since : name
val if_none_match : name
val if_unmodified_since : name
val if_range : name
val last_modified : name
val location : name
val server : name
val status : name
val transfer_encoding : name
val user_agent : name
val referer : name
val range : name
val x_forwarded_for : name
val x_forwarded_proto : name
val origin : name
val access_control_request_method : name
val access_control_request_headers : name
val access_control_allow_origin : name
val access_control_allow_credentials : name
val access_control_expose_headers : name
val access_control_max_age : name
val access_control_allow_methods : name
val access_control_allow_headers : name
type t
val empty : t

returns an empty set of HTTP headers

val add : name -> string -> t -> t

add name s h adds the header name: s to h.

val replace : name -> string -> t -> t

replace a header by another one. If it does not exist, adds it.

val replace_opt : name -> string option -> t -> t

replace or remove a header.

val find : name -> t -> string

find one of the values bound to name in the HTTP header t. Raise Not_found if it is not bound.

val find_all : name -> t -> string list

find all the values bound to name in the HTTP header t. Raise Not_found if it is not bound.

val iter : (name -> string -> unit) -> t -> unit
val fold : 
  (name -> string list -> 'a -> 'a) ->
  t -> 'a -> 'a
val with_defaults : t -> t -> t

with_defaults h1 h2 adds headers from h1 to h2. If some headers were present, the are replaced by those from h1.

val dyn_headers : t

Headers for dynamic pages (non cachable)

type accept = 
  ((string option * string option) * float option *
   (string * string) list)