Module Js.Unsafe
Unsafe Javascript operations
type any_js_array
= any
val inject : 'a -> any
Coercion to top type.
val get : 'a -> 'b -> 'c
Get the value of an object property. The expression
get o s
returns the value of propertys
of objecto
val set : 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> unit
Set an object property. The expression
set o s v
set the propertys
of objecto
to valuev
val delete : 'a -> 'b -> unit
Delete an object property. The expression
delete o s
deletes propertys
of objecto
val call : 'a -> 'b -> any array -> 'c
Performs a Javascript function call. The expression
call f o a
calls the Javascript functionf
with the arguments given by the arraya
, and bindingthis
val fun_call : 'a -> any array -> 'b
Performs a Javascript function call. The expression
fun_call f a
calls the Javascript functionf
with the arguments given by the arraya
val meth_call : 'a -> string -> any array -> 'b
Performs a Javascript method call. The expression
meth_call o m a
calls the Javascript methodm
of objecto
with the arguments given by the arraya
val new_obj : 'a -> any array -> 'b
Create a Javascript object. The expression
new_obj c a
creates a Javascript object with constructorc
using the arguments given by the arraya
. Example:Js.new_obj (Js.Unsafe.variable "ArrayBuffer") [||]
val new_obj_arr : 'a -> any_js_array -> 'b
Same Create a Javascript object. The expression
new_obj_arr c a
creates a Javascript object with constructorc
using the arguments given by the Javascript arraya
val obj : (string * any) array -> 'a
Creates a Javascript literal object. The expression
obj a
creates a Javascript object whose fields are given by the arraya
val pure_expr : (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
Asserts that an expression is pure, and can therefore be optimized away by the compiler if unused.
val js_expr : string -> 'a
js_expr e
will parse the JavaScript expressione
is available at compile time or will fallback to a runtime evaluation. Seeeval_string
val global : < .. > t
Javascript global object
val callback : ('a -> 'b) -> ('c, 'a -> 'b) meth_callback
Wrap an OCaml function so that it can be invoked from Javascript. Contrary to
, partial application and over-application are not supported: missing arguments will be set toundefined
and extra arguments are lost.
val callback_with_arguments : (any_js_array -> 'b) -> ('c, any_js_array -> 'b) meth_callback
Wrap an OCaml function so that it can be invoked from Javascript. The first parameter of the function will be bound to the
val callback_with_arity : int -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('c, 'a -> 'b) meth_callback
val meth_callback : ('b -> 'a) -> ('b, 'a) meth_callback
Wrap an OCaml function so that it can be invoked from Javascript. The first parameter of the function will be bound to the value of the
implicit parameter. Contrary toJs.wrap_meth_callback
, partial application and over-application is not supported: missing arguments will be set toundefined
and extra arguments are lost.
val meth_callback_with_arguments : ('b -> any_js_array -> 'a) -> ('b, any_js_array -> 'a) meth_callback
Wrap an OCaml function so that it can be invoked from Javascript. The first parameter of the function will be bound to the value of the
implicit parameter. The second parameter of the function with be bound to the value of thearguments
val meth_callback_with_arity : int -> ('b -> 'a) -> ('b, 'a) meth_callback