Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Export OCaml code to JavaScript

The easiest way to export OCaml values (e.g., functions) to JavaScript is to create a JavaScript object containing all values to export and to make the object reachable.

let _ =
  Js.export "myMathLib"
       method add x y = x +. y
       method abs x = abs_float x
       val zero = 0.

Using the Node.js module system

Js.export and Js.export_all will export a value to module.exports if it exists.

# cat math.ml
let _ =
      method add x y = x +. y
      method abs x = abs_float x
      val zero = 0.
# ocamlfind ocamlc -verbose \
  -package js_of_ocaml -package js_of_ocaml-ppx \
  -linkpkg math.ml -o math.byte
# js_of_ocaml math.byte
# node
# > var math = require("./math.js");
# > math.add(2,3)