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Module Lwt_chan

module Lwt_chan: sig..end

Module Lwt_chan: cooperative, Pervasives-like, I/O functions

type in_channel

Cooperative input channels

val in_channel_of_descr : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> in_channel

val make_in_channel :
   ?close:(unit -> unit Lwt.t) ->
    (string -> int -> int -> int Lwt.t) -> in_channel

make_in_channel read creates an input channel from the read function. read s ofs len should (cooperatively) read len bytes from the source, and put them in s, at offset ofs, and return the number of bytes effectively read. If provided, close will be called by close_in. By default, close_in does not do anything.

val input_line : in_channel -> string Lwt.t

val input_value : in_channel -> 'a Lwt.t

val input : in_channel -> string -> int -> int -> int Lwt.t

val really_input : in_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit Lwt.t

val input_char : in_channel -> char Lwt.t

val open_in : string -> in_channel

val close_in : in_channel -> unit Lwt.t

Cooperative output channels

type out_channel

val out_channel_of_descr : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> out_channel

val make_out_channel :
   ?close:(unit -> unit Lwt.t) ->
    (string -> int -> int -> int Lwt.t) -> out_channel

make_out_channel write creates an output channel from the write function. write s ofs len should (cooperatively) write len bytes from s, starting at offset ofs, to the backend, and return the number of bytes effectively written. If provided, close will be called by close_out. By default, close_out does not do anything.

val output : out_channel -> string -> int -> int -> unit Lwt.t

val flush : out_channel -> unit Lwt.t

val output_string : out_channel -> string -> unit Lwt.t

val output_value : out_channel -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t

val open_out : string -> out_channel

val close_out : out_channel -> unit Lwt.t