Module Os_core_db
module Os_core_db : sig..end
This module defines low level functions for database requests.
module PGOCaml : PGOCaml_generic.PGOCAML_GENERICwith type 'a monad = 'a Lwt.t
val init :
?host:string ->
?port:int ->
?user:string ->
?password:string ->
?database:string ->
?unix_domain_socket_dir:string ->
?pool_size:int ->
?init:(PGOCaml.pa_pg_data PGOCaml.t ->
unit Lwt.t) ->
unit -> unit
init ?host ?port ?user ?password ?database ?unix_domain_socket_dir ?init () initializes the variables for the database access and register a function init invoked each time a connection is created.
val full_transaction_block :
(PGOCaml.pa_pg_data PGOCaml.t -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
'a Lwt.t
full_transaction_block f executes function f within a database transaction. The argument of f is a PGOCaml database handle.
val without_transaction :
(PGOCaml.pa_pg_data PGOCaml.t -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
'a Lwt.t
without_transaction f executes function f outside a database transaction. The argument of f is a PGOCaml database handle.
val connection_pool :
unit ->
PGOCaml.pa_pg_data PGOCaml.t
Direct access to the connection pool
type wrapper = { f:
PGOCaml.pa_pg_data PGOCaml.t ->
(unit -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t;}
Setup a wrapper function which is used each time a connection is acquired. This function can perform some actions before and/or after the connection is used.
val set_connection_wrapper : wrapper -> unit