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Module Ot_size

module Ot_size : sig..end

Size functions for Dom elements

Size and orientation

type orientation =  | Portrait | Landscape
val get_screen_size : unit -> int * int
val get_screen_orientation : unit -> orientation
val get_size : 
  < clientHeight : < get : int; .. > Js.gen_prop;
   clientWidth : < get : int; .. > Js.gen_prop; .. >
  Js.t -> int * int
val get_document_size : unit -> int * int
val width_height : (int * int) React.signal

NOTE: mind to stop any signals derived from the following signals (using React.S.stop) on unload.

val width : int React.signal
val height : int React.signal
val update_width_height : unit -> unit
val set_adaptative_width : #Dom_html.element Js.t -> (int -> int) -> unit

set_adaptative_width elt f will make the width of the element recomputed using f everytime the width of the window changes.

val set_adaptative_height : #Dom_html.element Js.t -> (int -> int) -> unit

set_adaptative_height elt f will make the width of the element recomputed using f everytime the height of the window changes.

val height_to_bottom : int -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> int

Compute the height of an element to the bottom of the page

val client_top : ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float

position of an element relative to the inner window; getClientBoundingRect does not include borders by default, use with_margin to take them into account.

val client_bottom : ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float
val client_left : ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float
val client_right : ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float

size of an element

val client_height : ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float
val client_width : ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float
val client_page_top : ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float

position of an element relative to the document

val client_page_left : 
  ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float
val client_page_bottom : 
  ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float
val client_page_right : 
  ?with_margin:bool -> #Dom_html.element Js.t -> float
val pageYOffset : unit -> int

Current vertical scroll position of the page.