Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Module Ocsigen_http_frame.Result

module Result : sig..end

type result

The type of answers to send

val cookies : result -> Ocsigen_cookies.cookieset
val lastmodified : result -> float option
val etag : result -> string option
val code : result -> int
val stream : 
  result ->
  string Ocsigen_stream.t *
  (string Ocsigen_stream.t -> int64 -> string Ocsigen_stream.step Lwt.t)
val content_length : result -> int64 option
val content_type : result -> string option
val headers : result -> Http_headers.t
val charset : result -> string option
val location : result -> string option
val default : unit -> result

Default result to use as a base for constructing others.

val update : 
  result ->
  ?cookies:Ocsigen_cookies.cookieset ->
  ?lastmodified:float option ->
  ?etag:string option ->
  ?code:int ->
  ?stream:string Ocsigen_stream.t *
   (string Ocsigen_stream.t ->
   int64 -> string Ocsigen_stream.step Lwt.t)
   option ->
  ?content_length:int64 option ->
  ?content_type:string option ->
  ?headers:Http_headers.t ->
  ?charset:string option ->
  ?location:string option -> unit -> result
val empty : unit -> result

result for an empty page.