Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Launching the server

To run the server, use the command ocsigenserver. It has the following options:

  -c, --config
         Alternate configuration file.

  -d, --daemon
         Daemon mode (detach the process).
	 This is the default when there are more than 1 process.

  -help, --help
         Show summary of options.

  -p, --pidfile
         Specify a file where to write the PIDs of the servers.

  -s, --silent
         Silent mode (error messages go in errors.log only).

  -v, --verbose
         Verbose mode.

  -vv, --veryverbose
         Very verbose mode (info).

         Extremely verbose mode (debug).

         Show version of program.

One initialization script should be provided by your distribution for launching the server automatically each time you launch the computer.