Module Ocsigen_messages
module Ocsigen_messages : sig..end
Writing messages in the logs
val access_sect : Lwt_log_core.section
use Lwt_log.Section.set_level in order to debug
val accesslog : string -> unit
Write a message in access.log
val errlog : ?section:Lwt_log.section -> string -> unit
Write a message in errors.log
val warning : ?section:Lwt_log.section -> string -> unit
Write a message in warnings.log
val console : (unit -> string) -> unit
Write a message in the console (if not called in silent mode)
val unexpected_exception : exn -> string -> unit
Use that function for all impossible cases in exception handlers (try ... with ... | e -> unexpected_exception ... or Lwt.catch ...). A message will be written in warnings.log. Put something in the string to help locating the problem (usually the name of the function where is has been called).
val error_log_path : unit -> string
Path to the error log file