Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Module SVG.M

module M : SVG_sigs.Twith module XML := XML

Concrete implementation of SVG typesafe constructors

module XML : XML_sigs.T
module Info : XML_sigs.Info
type uri = XML.uri
val string_of_uri : uri -> string
val uri_of_string : string -> uri

Abstraction over XML's types

type 'a attrib
type +'a elt
type +'a elts
type ('a, 'b) nullary = ?a:'a attrib list -> unit -> 'b elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) unary = ?a:'a attrib list -> 'b elt -> 'c elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) star = 
  ?a:'a attrib list ->
  'b elt list -> 'c elt
type ('a, 'b, 'c) plus = 
  ?a:'a attrib list ->
  'b elt -> 'b elt list -> 'c elt
type altglyphdef_content = 
  [ `Item of SVG_types.altglyphitem elt list
  | `Ref of SVG_types.glyphref elt list ]


val a_version : string -> [ `Version ] attrib
val a_baseprofile : string -> [ `BaseProfile ] attrib
val a_x : SVG_types.coord -> [ `X ] attrib
val a_y : SVG_types.coord -> [ `Y ] attrib
val a_width : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `Width ] attrib
val a_height : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `Height ] attrib
val a_preserveaspectratio : string -> [ `PreserveAspectRatio ] attrib
val a_contentscripttype : string -> [ `ContentScriptType ] attrib
val a_contentstyletype : string -> [ `ContentStyleType ] attrib
val a_zoomAndPan : [ `Disable | `Magnify ] -> [ `ZoomAndSpan ] attrib
val a_requiredfeatures : 
  SVG_types.spacestrings -> [ `RequiredFeatures ] attrib
val a_requiredextensions : 
  SVG_types.spacestrings -> [ `RequiredExtension ] attrib
val a_systemlanguage : SVG_types.commastrings -> [ `SystemLanguage ] attrib
val a_externalressourcesrequired : 
  bool -> [ `ExternalRessourcesRequired ] attrib
val a_id : string -> [ `Id ] attrib
val a_xml_base : SVG_types.iri -> [ `Xml_Base ] attrib
val a_xml_lang : SVG_types.iri -> [ `Xml_Lang ] attrib
val a_xml_space : [ `Default | `Preserve ] -> [ `Xml_Space ] attrib
val a_type : string -> [ `Type ] attrib
val a_media : SVG_types.commastrings -> [ `Media ] attrib
val a_title : string -> [ `Title ] attrib
val a_class : SVG_types.spacestrings -> [ `Class ] attrib
val a_style : string -> [ `Style ] attrib
val a_transform : SVG_types.transform -> [ `Transform ] attrib
val a_viewbox : SVG_types.fourfloats -> [ `Viewbox ] attrib
val a_d : string -> [ `D ] attrib
val a_pathlength : float -> [ `PathLength ] attrib
val a_rx : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `Rx ] attrib
val a_ry : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `Ry ] attrib
val a_cx : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `Cx ] attrib
val a_cy : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `Cy ] attrib
val a_r : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `R ] attrib
val a_x1 : SVG_types.coord -> [ `X1 ] attrib
val a_y1 : SVG_types.coord -> [ `Y1 ] attrib
val a_x2 : SVG_types.coord -> [ `X2 ] attrib
val a_y2 : SVG_types.coord -> [ `Y2 ] attrib
val a_points : SVG_types.coords -> [ `Points ] attrib
val a_x_list : SVG_types.lengths -> [ `Xlist ] attrib
val a_y_list : SVG_types.lengths -> [ `Ylist ] attrib
val a_dx : SVG_types.lengths -> [ `Dx ] attrib
val a_dy : SVG_types.lengths -> [ `Dy ] attrib
val a_dx_single : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `Dxsingle ] attrib
val a_dy_single : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `Dysingle ] attrib
val a_dx_number : SVG_types.number -> [ `Dxnumber ] attrib
val a_dy_number : SVG_types.number -> [ `Dynumber ] attrib
val a_lengthadjust : 
  [ `Spacing | `SpacingAndGlyphs ] ->
  [ `LengthAdjust ] attrib
val a_textlength : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `TextLength ] attrib
val a_rotate : SVG_types.numbers -> [ `Rotate ] attrib
val a_startoffset : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `StartOffset ] attrib
val a_method : [ `Align | `Stretch ] -> [ `Method ] attrib
val a_spacing : [ `Auto | `Exact ] -> [ `Spacing ] attrib
val a_glyphref : string -> [ `GlyphRef ] attrib
val a_format : string -> [ `Format ] attrib
val a_markerunits : 
  [ `StrokeWidth | `UserSpaceOnUse ] ->
  [ `MarkerUnits ] attrib
val a_refx : SVG_types.coord -> [ `RefX ] attrib
val a_refy : SVG_types.coord -> [ `RefY ] attrib
val a_markerwidth : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `MarkerWidth ] attrib
val a_markerheight : SVG_types.Unit.length -> [ `MarkerHeight ] attrib
val a_orient : 
  [ `Angle of SVG_types.Unit.angle | `Auto ] ->
  [ `Orient ] attrib
val a_local : string -> [ `Local ] attrib
val a_renderingindent : 
  [ `Absolute_colorimetric
  | `Auto
  | `Perceptual
  | `Relative_colorimetric
  | `Saturation ] -> [ `Rendering_Indent ] attrib
val a_gradientunits : 
  [ `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] ->
  [ `GradientUnits ] attrib
val a_gradienttransform : 
  SVG_types.transforms -> [ `Gradient_Transform ] attrib
val a_spreadmethod : 
  [ `Pad | `Reflect | `Repeat ] -> [ `SpreadMethod ] attrib
val a_fx : SVG_types.coord -> [ `Fx ] attrib
val a_fy : SVG_types.coord -> [ `Fy ] attrib
val a_offset : 
  [ `Number of SVG_types.number | `Percentage of SVG_types.percentage ] ->
  [ `Offset ] attrib
val a_patternunits : 
  [ `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] ->
  [ `PatternUnits ] attrib
val a_patterncontentunits : 
  [ `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] ->
  [ `PatternContentUnits ] attrib
val a_patterntransform : 
  SVG_types.transforms -> [ `PatternTransform ] attrib
val a_clippathunits : 
  [ `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] ->
  [ `ClipPathUnits ] attrib
val a_maskunits : 
  [ `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] ->
  [ `MaskUnits ] attrib
val a_maskcontentunits : 
  [ `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] ->
  [ `MaskContentUnits ] attrib
val a_primitiveunits : 
  [ `ObjectBoundingBox | `UserSpaceOnUse ] ->
  [ `PrimitiveUnits ] attrib
val a_filterres : 
  SVG_types.number_optional_number ->
  [ `FilterResUnits ] attrib
val a_result : string -> [ `Result ] attrib
val a_in : 
  [ `BackgroundAlpha
  | `BackgroundImage
  | `FillPaint
  | `Ref of string
  | `SourceAlpha
  | `SourceGraphic
  | `StrokePaint ] -> [ `In ] attrib
val a_in2 : 
  [ `BackgroundAlpha
  | `BackgroundImage
  | `FillPaint
  | `Ref of string
  | `SourceAlpha
  | `SourceGraphic
  | `StrokePaint ] -> [ `In2 ] attrib
val a_aizmuth : float -> [ `Azimuth ] attrib
val a_elevation : float -> [ `Elevation ] attrib
val a_pointatx : float -> [ `PointsAtX ] attrib
val a_pointaty : float -> [ `PointsAtY ] attrib
val a_pointatz : float -> [ `PointsAtZ ] attrib
val a_specularexponent : float -> [ `SpecularExponent ] attrib
val a_specularconstant : float -> [ `SpecularConstant ] attrib
val a_limitingconeangle : float -> [ `LimitingConeAngle ] attrib
val a_mode : 
  [ `Darken | `Lighten | `Multiply | `Normal | `Screen ] ->
  [ `Mode ] attrib
val a_typefecolor : 
  [ `HueRotate | `LuminanceToAlpha | `Matrix | `Saturate ] ->
  [ `Typefecolor ] attrib
val a_values : SVG_types.numbers -> [ `Values ] attrib
val a_transferttype : 
  [ `Discrete | `Gamma | `Identity | `Linear | `Table ] ->
  [ `Typetransfert ] attrib
val a_tablevalues : SVG_types.numbers -> [ `TableValues ] attrib
val a_slope : SVG_types.number -> [ `Slope ] attrib
val a_intercept : SVG_types.number -> [ `Intercept ] attrib
val a_amplitude : SVG_types.number -> [ `Amplitude ] attrib
val a_exponent : SVG_types.number -> [ `Exponent ] attrib
val a_offsettransfer : SVG_types.number -> [ `Offsettransfer ] attrib
val a_operator : 
  [ `Arithmetic | `Atop | `In | `Out | `Over | `Xor ] ->
  [ `Operator ] attrib
val a_k1 : SVG_types.number -> [ `K1 ] attrib
val a_k2 : SVG_types.number -> [ `K2 ] attrib
val a_k3 : SVG_types.number -> [ `K3 ] attrib
val a_k4 : SVG_types.number -> [ `K4 ] attrib
val a_order : SVG_types.number_optional_number -> [ `Order ] attrib
val a_kernelmatrix : SVG_types.numbers -> [ `KernelMatrix ] attrib
val a_divisor : SVG_types.number -> [ `Divisor ] attrib
val a_bias : SVG_types.number -> [ `Bias ] attrib
val a_kernelunitlength : 
  SVG_types.number_optional_number ->
  [ `KernelUnitLength ] attrib
val a_targetX : int -> [ `TargetX ] attrib
val a_targetY : int -> [ `TargetY ] attrib
val a_edgemode : [ `Duplicate | `None | `Wrap ] -> [ `TargetY ] attrib
val a_preservealpha : bool -> [ `TargetY ] attrib
val a_surfacescale : SVG_types.number -> [ `SurfaceScale ] attrib
val a_diffuseconstant : SVG_types.number -> [ `DiffuseConstant ] attrib
val a_scale : SVG_types.number -> [ `Scale ] attrib
val a_xchannelselector : 
  [ `A | `B | `G | `R ] -> [ `XChannelSelector ] attrib
val a_ychannelselector : 
  [ `A | `B | `G | `R ] -> [ `YChannelSelector ] attrib
val a_stddeviation : 
  SVG_types.number_optional_number ->
  [ `StdDeviation ] attrib
val a_operatormorphology : 
  [ `Dilate | `Erode ] -> [ `OperatorMorphology ] attrib
val a_radius : SVG_types.number_optional_number -> [ `Radius ] attrib
val a_basefrenquency : 
  SVG_types.number_optional_number ->
  [ `BaseFrequency ] attrib
val a_numoctaves : int -> [ `NumOctaves ] attrib
val a_seed : SVG_types.number -> [ `Seed ] attrib
val a_stitchtiles : [ `NoStitch | `Stitch ] -> [ `StitchTiles ] attrib
val a_stitchtype : 
  [ `FractalNoise | `Turbulence ] -> [ `TypeStitch ] attrib
val a_xlinkshow : [ `New | `Replace ] -> [ `Xlink_show ] attrib
val a_xlinkactuate : [ `OnRequest ] -> [ `Xlink_actuate ] attrib
val a_target : string -> [ `Xlink_target ] attrib
val a_viewtarget : string -> [ `ViewTarget ] attrib
val a_attributename : string -> [ `AttributeName ] attrib
val a_attributetype : [ `Auto | `CSS | `XML ] -> [ `AttributeType ] attrib
val a_begin : string -> [ `Begin ] attrib
val a_dur : string -> [ `Dur ] attrib
val a_min : string -> [ `Min ] attrib
val a_max : string -> [ `Max ] attrib
val a_restart : 
  [ `Always | `Never | `WhenNotActive ] ->
  [ `Restart ] attrib
val a_repeatcount : string -> [ `RepeatCount ] attrib
val a_repeatdur : string -> [ `RepeatDur ] attrib
val a_fill : [ `Freeze | `Remove ] -> [ `Fill ] attrib
val a_calcmode : 
  [ `Discrete | `Linear | `Paced | `Spline ] ->
  [ `CalcMode ] attrib
val a_values_anim : SVG_types.strings -> [ `Valuesanim ] attrib
val a_keytimes : SVG_types.strings -> [ `KeyTimes ] attrib
val a_keysplines : SVG_types.strings -> [ `KeySplines ] attrib
val a_from : string -> [ `From ] attrib
val a_to : string -> [ `To ] attrib
val a_by : string -> [ `By ] attrib
val a_additive : [ `Replace | `Sum ] -> [ `Additive ] attrib
val a_accumulate : [ `None | `Sum ] -> [ `Accumulate ] attrib
val a_keypoints : SVG_types.numbers_semicolon -> [ `KeyPoints ] attrib
val a_path : string -> [ `Path ] attrib
val a_typeanimatecolor : 
  [ `Rotate | `Scale | `SkewX | `SkewY | `Translate ] ->
  [ `Typeanimatecolor ] attrib
val a_horiz_origin_x : SVG_types.number -> [ `Horiz_origin_x ] attrib
val a_horiz_origin_y : SVG_types.number -> [ `Horiz_origin_y ] attrib
val a_horiz_adv_x : SVG_types.number -> [ `Horiz_adv_x ] attrib
val a_vert_origin_x : SVG_types.number -> [ `Vert_origin_x ] attrib
val a_vert_origin_y : SVG_types.number -> [ `Vert_origin_y ] attrib
val a_vert_adv_y : SVG_types.number -> [ `Vert_adv_y ] attrib
val a_unicode : string -> [ `Unicode ] attrib
val a_glyphname : string -> [ `glyphname ] attrib
val a_orientation : [ `H | `V ] -> [ `Orientation ] attrib
val a_arabicform : 
  [ `Initial | `Isolated | `Medial | `Terminal ] ->
  [ `Arabic_form ] attrib
val a_lang : string -> [ `Lang ] attrib
val a_u1 : string -> [ `U1 ] attrib
val a_u2 : string -> [ `U2 ] attrib
val a_g1 : string -> [ `G1 ] attrib
val a_g2 : string -> [ `G2 ] attrib
val a_k : string -> [ `K ] attrib
val a_fontfamily : string -> [ `Font_Family ] attrib
val a_fontstyle : string -> [ `Font_Style ] attrib
val a_fontvariant : string -> [ `Font_Variant ] attrib
val a_fontweight : string -> [ `Font_Weight ] attrib
val a_fontstretch : string -> [ `Font_Stretch ] attrib
val a_fontsize : string -> [ `Font_Size ] attrib
val a_unicoderange : string -> [ `Unicode_Range ] attrib
val a_unitsperem : string -> [ `Units_Per_Em ] attrib
val a_stemv : SVG_types.number -> [ `Stemv ] attrib
val a_stemh : SVG_types.number -> [ `Stemh ] attrib
val a_slope : SVG_types.number -> [ `Slope ] attrib
val a_capheight : SVG_types.number -> [ `Cap_Height ] attrib
val a_xheight : SVG_types.number -> [ `X_Height ] attrib
val a_accentheight : SVG_types.number -> [ `Accent_Height ] attrib
val a_ascent : SVG_types.number -> [ `Ascent ] attrib
val a_widths : string -> [ `Widths ] attrib
val a_bbox : string -> [ `Bbox ] attrib
val a_ideographic : SVG_types.number -> [ `Ideographic ] attrib
val a_alphabetic : SVG_types.number -> [ `Alphabetic ] attrib
val a_mathematical : SVG_types.number -> [ `Mathematical ] attrib
val a_hanging : SVG_types.number -> [ `Hanging ] attrib
val a_videographic : SVG_types.number -> [ `V_Ideographic ] attrib
val a_valphabetic : SVG_types.number -> [ `V_Alphabetic ] attrib
val a_vmathematical : SVG_types.number -> [ `V_Mathematical ] attrib
val a_vhanging : SVG_types.number -> [ `V_Hanging ] attrib
val a_underlineposition : 
  SVG_types.number -> [ `Underline_Position ] attrib
val a_underlinethickness : 
  SVG_types.number -> [ `Underline_Thickness ] attrib
val a_strikethroughposition : 
  SVG_types.number -> [ `Strikethrough_Position ] attrib
val a_strikethroughthickness : 
  SVG_types.number -> [ `Strikethrough_Thickness ] attrib
val a_overlineposition : 
  SVG_types.number -> [ `Overline_Position ] attrib
val a_overlinethickness : 
  SVG_types.number -> [ `Overline_Thickness ] attrib
val a_string : string -> [ `String ] attrib
val a_name : string -> [ `Name ] attrib
val a_onabort : string -> [ `Onabort ] attrib
val a_onactivate : string -> [ `Onactivate ] attrib
val a_onbegin : string -> [ `Onbegin ] attrib
val a_onclick : string -> [ `Onclick ] attrib
val a_onend : string -> [ `Onend ] attrib
val a_onerror : string -> [ `Onerror ] attrib
val a_onfocusin : string -> [ `Onfocusin ] attrib
val a_onfocusout : string -> [ `Onfocusout ] attrib
val a_onload : string -> [ `Onload ] attrib
val a_onmousedown : string -> [ `Onmousdown ] attrib
val a_onmouseup : string -> [ `Onmouseup ] attrib
val a_onmouseover : string -> [ `Onmouseover ] attrib
val a_onmouseout : string -> [ `Onmouseout ] attrib
val a_onmousemove : string -> [ `Onmousemove ] attrib
val a_onrepeat : string -> [ `Onrepeat ] attrib
val a_onresize : string -> [ `Onresize ] attrib
val a_onscroll : string -> [ `Onscroll ] attrib
val a_onunload : string -> [ `Onunload ] attrib
val a_onzoom : string -> [ `Onzoom ] attrib
val metadata : 
  ?a:SVG_types.metadata_attr attrib list ->
  XML.elt list -> [> SVG_types.metadata ] elt
val foreignobject : 
  ?a:SVG_types.foreignobject_attr attrib list ->
  XML.elt list -> [> SVG_types.foreignobject ] elt


val svg : 
  ([< SVG_types.svg_attr ], [< SVG_types.svg_content ],
   [> SVG_types.svg ])
val g : 
  ([< SVG_types.g_attr ], [< SVG_types.g_content ], [> SVG_types.g ])
val defs : 
  ([< SVG_types.defs_attr ], [< SVG_types.defs_content ],
   [> SVG_types.defs ])
val desc : 
  ([< SVG_types.desc_attr ], [< SVG_types.desc_content ],
   [> SVG_types.desc ])
val title : 
  ([< SVG_types.title_attr ], [< SVG_types.title_content ],
   [> SVG_types.title ])
val symbol : 
  ([< SVG_types.symbol_attr ], [< SVG_types.symbol_content ],
   [> SVG_types.symbol ])
val use : 
  ([< SVG_types.use_attr ], [< SVG_types.use_content ],
   [> SVG_types.use ])
val image : 
  ([< SVG_types.image_attr ], [< SVG_types.image_content ],
   [> SVG_types.image ])
val switch : 
  ([< SVG_types.switch_attr ], [< SVG_types.switch_content ],
   [> SVG_types.switch ])
val style : 
  ([< SVG_types.style_attr ], [< SVG_types.style_content ],
   [> SVG_types.style ])
val path : 
  ([< SVG_types.path_attr ], [< SVG_types.path_content ],
   [> SVG_types.path ])
val rect : 
  ([< SVG_types.rect_attr ], [< SVG_types.rect_content ],
   [> SVG_types.rect ])
val circle : 
  ([< SVG_types.circle_attr ], [< SVG_types.circle_content ],
   [> SVG_types.circle ])
val ellipse : 
  ([< SVG_types.ellipse_attr ], [< SVG_types.ellipse_content ],
   [> SVG_types.ellipse ])
val line : 
  ([< SVG_types.line_attr ], [< SVG_types.line_content ],
   [> SVG_types.line ])
val polyline : 
  ([< SVG_types.polyline_attr ], [< SVG_types.polyline_content ],
   [> SVG_types.polyline ])
val polygon : 
  ([< SVG_types.polygon_attr ], [< SVG_types.polygon_content ],
   [> SVG_types.polygon ])
val text : 
  ([< SVG_types.text_attr ], [< SVG_types.text_content ],
   [> SVG_types.text ])
val tspan : 
  ([< SVG_types.tspan_attr ], [< SVG_types.tspan_content ],
   [> SVG_types.tspan ])
val tref : 
  ([< SVG_types.tref_attr ], [< SVG_types.tref_content ],
   [> SVG_types.tref ])
val textpath : 
  ([< SVG_types.textpath_attr ], [< SVG_types.textpath_content ],
   [> SVG_types.textpath ])
val altglyph : 
  ([< SVG_types.altglyph_attr ], [< SVG_types.altglyph_content ],
   [> SVG_types.altglyph ])
val altglyphdef : 
  ([< SVG_types.altglyphdef_attr ], [< altglyphdef_content ],
   [> SVG_types.altglyphdef ])
val altglyphitem : 
  ([< SVG_types.altglyphitem_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.altglyphitem_content ], [> SVG_types.altglyphitem ])
val glyphref : 
  ([< SVG_types.glyphref_attr ], [> SVG_types.glyphref ])
val marker : 
  ([< SVG_types.marker_attr ], [< SVG_types.marker_content ],
   [> SVG_types.marker ])
val colorprofile : 
  ([< SVG_types.colorprofile_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.colorprofile_content ], [> SVG_types.colorprofile ])
val lineargradient : 
  ([< SVG_types.lineargradient_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.lineargradient_content ], [> SVG_types.lineargradient ])
val radialgradient : 
  ([< SVG_types.radialgradient_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.radialgradient_content ], [> SVG_types.radialgradient ])
val gradientstop : 
  ([< SVG_types.gradientstop_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.gradientstop_content ], [> SVG_types.gradientstop ])
val pattern : 
  ([< SVG_types.pattern_attr ], [< SVG_types.pattern_content ],
   [> SVG_types.pattern ])
val clippath : 
  ([< SVG_types.clippath_attr ], [< SVG_types.clippath_content ],
   [> SVG_types.clippath ])
val filter : 
  ([< SVG_types.filter_attr ], [< SVG_types.filter_content ],
   [> SVG_types.filter ])
val fedistantlight : 
  ([< SVG_types.fedistantlight_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.fedistantlight_content ], [> SVG_types.fedistantlight ])
val fepointlight : 
  ([< SVG_types.fepointlight_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.fepointlight_content ], [> SVG_types.fepointlight ])
val fespotlight : 
  ([< SVG_types.fespotlight_attr ], [< SVG_types.fespotlight_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fespotlight ])
val feblend : 
  ([< SVG_types.feblend_attr ], [< SVG_types.feblend_content ],
   [> SVG_types.feblend ])
val fecolormatrix : 
  ([< SVG_types.fecolormatrix_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.fecolormatrix_content ], [> SVG_types.fecolormatrix ])
val fecomponenttransfer : 
  ([< SVG_types.fecomponenttransfer_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.fecomponenttransfer_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fecomponenttransfer ])
val fefunca : 
  ([< SVG_types.fefunca_attr ], [< SVG_types.fefunca_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fefunca ])
val fefuncg : 
  ([< SVG_types.fefuncg_attr ], [< SVG_types.fefuncg_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fefuncg ])
val fefuncb : 
  ([< SVG_types.fefuncb_attr ], [< SVG_types.fefuncb_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fefuncb ])
val fefuncr : 
  ([< SVG_types.fefuncr_attr ], [< SVG_types.fefuncr_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fefuncr ])
val fecomposite : 
  ([< SVG_types.fecomposite_attr ], [< SVG_types.fecomposite_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fecomposite ])
val feconvolvematrix : 
  ([< SVG_types.feconvolvematrix_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.feconvolvematrix_content ],
   [> SVG_types.feconvolvematrix ])
val fediffuselighting : 
  ([< SVG_types.fediffuselighting_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.fediffuselighting_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fediffuselighting ])
val fedisplacementmap : 
  ([< SVG_types.fedisplacementmap_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.fedisplacementmap_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fedisplacementmap ])
val feflood : 
  ([< SVG_types.feflood_attr ], [< SVG_types.feflood_content ],
   [> SVG_types.feflood ])
val fegaussianblur : 
  ([< SVG_types.fegaussianblur_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.fegaussianblur_content ], [> SVG_types.fegaussianblur ])
val feimage : 
  ([< SVG_types.feimage_attr ], [< SVG_types.feimage_content ],
   [> SVG_types.feimage ])
val femerge : 
  ([< SVG_types.femerge_attr ], [< SVG_types.femerge_content ],
   [> SVG_types.femerge ])
val femorphology : 
  ([< SVG_types.femorphology_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.femorphology_content ], [> SVG_types.femorphology ])
val feoffset : 
  ([< SVG_types.feoffset_attr ], [< SVG_types.feoffset_content ],
   [> SVG_types.feoffset ])
val fespecularlighting : 
  ([< SVG_types.fespecularlighting_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.fespecularlighting_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fespecularlighting ])
val fetile : 
  ([< SVG_types.fetile_attr ], [< SVG_types.fetile_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fetile ])
val feturbulence : 
  ([< SVG_types.feturbulence_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.feturbulence_content ], [> SVG_types.feturbulence ])
val cursor : 
  ([< SVG_types.cursor_attr ], [< SVG_types.cursor_content ],
   [> SVG_types.cursor ])
val a : 
  ([< SVG_types.a_attr ], [< SVG_types.a_content ], [> SVG_types.a ])
val view : 
  ([< SVG_types.view_attr ], [< SVG_types.view_content ],
   [> SVG_types.view ])
val script : 
  ([< SVG_types.script_attr ], [< SVG_types.script_content ],
   [> SVG_types.script ])
val animation : 
  ([< SVG_types.animation_attr ], [< SVG_types.animation_content ],
   [> SVG_types.animation ])
val set : 
  ([< SVG_types.set_attr ], [< SVG_types.set_content ],
   [> SVG_types.set ])
val animatemotion : 
  ([< SVG_types.animatemotion_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.animatemotion_content ], [> SVG_types.animatemotion ])
val mpath : 
  ([< SVG_types.mpath_attr ], [< SVG_types.mpath_content ],
   [> SVG_types.mpath ])
val animatecolor : 
  ([< SVG_types.animatecolor_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.animatecolor_content ], [> SVG_types.animatecolor ])
val animatetransform : 
  ([< SVG_types.animatetransform_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.animatetransform_content ],
   [> SVG_types.animatetransform ])
val font : 
  ([< SVG_types.font_attr ], [< SVG_types.font_content ],
   [> SVG_types.font ])
val glyph : 
  ([< SVG_types.glyph_attr ], [< SVG_types.glyph_content ],
   [> SVG_types.glyph ])
val missingglyph : 
  ([< SVG_types.missingglyph_attr ],
   [< SVG_types.missingglyph_content ], [> SVG_types.missingglyph ])
val hkern : ([< SVG_types.hkern_attr ], [> SVG_types.hkern ]) nullary
val vkern : ([< SVG_types.vkern_attr ], [> SVG_types.vkern ]) nullary
val fontface : 
  ([< SVG_types.fontface_attr ], [> SVG_types.fontface ])
val fontfacesrc : 
  ([< SVG_types.fontfacesrc_attr ], [< SVG_types.fontfacesrc_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fontfacesrc ])
val fontfaceuri : 
  ([< SVG_types.fontfaceuri_attr ], [< SVG_types.fontfaceuri_content ],
   [> SVG_types.fontfaceuri ])
val fontfaceformat : 
  ([< SVG_types.fontfaceformat_attr ], [> SVG_types.fontfaceformat ])
val fontfacename : 
  ([< SVG_types.fontfacename_attr ], [> SVG_types.fontfacename ])
val tot : XML.elt -> 'a elt
val totl : XML.elt list -> 'a elt list
val toelt : 'a elt -> XML.elt
val toeltl : 'a elt list -> XML.elt list
val to_xmlattribs : 'a attrib list -> XML.attrib list
val to_attrib : XML.attrib -> 'a attrib


type doc = [ `Svg ] elt
val doc_toelt : doc -> XML.elt