Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Module Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe

module Unsafe : sig..end

Unsafe features.

Using this module can break SVG validity and may introduce security problems like code injection. Use it with care.

val data : string Svg_sigs.T.wrap -> 'a Svg_sigs.T.elt

Insert raw text without any encoding

val node : 
  string ->
  ?a:'a Svg_sigs.T.attrib list ->
  'b Svg_sigs.T.elt Svg_sigs.T.list_wrap -> 'c Svg_sigs.T.elt

Insert an XML node that is not implemented in this module. If it is a standard SVG node which is missing, please report to the Ocsigen team.

val leaf : 
  string -> ?a:'a Svg_sigs.T.attrib list -> unit -> 'b Svg_sigs.T.elt

Insert an XML node without children that is not implemented in this module. If it is a standard SVG node which is missing, please report to the Ocsigen team.

val coerce_elt : 'a Svg_sigs.T.elt -> 'b Svg_sigs.T.elt

Remove phantom type annotation on an element, to make it usable everywhere.

val string_attrib : 
  string -> string Svg_sigs.T.wrap -> 'a Svg_sigs.T.attrib

Insert an attribute that is not implemented in this module. If it is a standard SVG attribute which is missing, please report to the Ocsigen team.

val float_attrib : string -> float Svg_sigs.T.wrap -> 'a Svg_sigs.T.attrib

Same, for float attribute

val int_attrib : string -> int Svg_sigs.T.wrap -> 'a Svg_sigs.T.attrib

Same, for int attribute

val uri_attrib : 
  string -> Svg_sigs.T.uri Svg_sigs.T.wrap -> 'a Svg_sigs.T.attrib

Same, for URI attribute

val space_sep_attrib : 
  string -> string list Svg_sigs.T.wrap -> 'a Svg_sigs.T.attrib

Same, for a space separated list of values

val comma_sep_attrib : 
  string -> string list Svg_sigs.T.wrap -> 'a Svg_sigs.T.attrib

Same, for a comma separated list of values