Index of values
This attribute assigns an access key to an element.
a_accumulate [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_action [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute specifies a form processing agent.
a_additive [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_align [Html_sigs.T] |
Basic support for WAI-ARIA attributes: a_aria "foo" corresponds to an "aria-foo" attribute.
a_ascent [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_async [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_attributeName [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_attributeType [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_autocomplete [Html_sigs.T] |
a_autofocus [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_autoplay [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_axis [Html_sigs.T] |
a_azimuth [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_baseFrenquency [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_baseProfile [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_bbox [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_begin [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_bias [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_border [Html_sigs.T] |
a_button_type [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_by [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_calcMode [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_cap_height [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_challenge [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_char [Html_sigs.T] |
a_charset [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute specifies the character encoding of the resource designated by the link.
a_checked [Html_sigs.T] |
When the type attribute has the value "radio" or "checkbox", this boolean attribute specifies that the button is on.
a_cite [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_class [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_class [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute assigns a class name or set of class names to an element.
a_clipPathUnits [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_codetype [Html_sigs.T] |
a_cols [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute specifies the visible width in average character widths.
a_colspan [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_command_type [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_content [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_contentScriptType [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_contentStyleType [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_for_list [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute specifies the location of a Web resource, thus defining a link between the current element (the source anchor) and the destination anchor defined by this attribute.
a_hreflang [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute specifies the base language of the resource designated by href and may only be used when href is specified.
a_http_equiv [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_icon [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_id [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_id [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute assigns a name to an element.
a_ideographic [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_img_sizes [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_in [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_in2 [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_input_max [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_input_min [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_input_type [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_inputmode [Html_sigs.T] |
a_marginwidth [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute gives an advisory hint as to the content type of the content available at the link target address.
a_min [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_min [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_minlength [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_mode [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_multiple [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_muted [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_name [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_name [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute assigns the control name.
Javascript touch events
a_ontouchstart [Html_sigs.T] |
Touch events
This attribute describes the relationship from the current document to the anchor specified by the href attribute.
a_rendering_intent [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_repeatCount [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_repeatDur [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_required [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_requiredExtensions [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_requiredFeatures [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_restart [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_result [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_reversed [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_role [Html_sigs.T] |
a_rotate [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_rows [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute specifies the number of visible text lines.
a_rowspan [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_rules [Html_sigs.T] |
a_rx [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_ry [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_sandbox [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_scale [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_scope [Html_sigs.T] |
a_scoped [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_script_type [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_scrolling [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_seamless [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_seed [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_selected [Html_sigs.T] |
When set, this boolean attribute specifies that this option is pre-selected.
a_surfaceScale [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_systemLanguage [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_tabindex [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute specifies the position of the current element in the tabbing order for the current document.
This attribute specifies the initial value of the control.
a_title [Html_sigs.T] |
This attribute offers advisory information about the element for which it is set.
a_to [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_transfer_offset [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_transfer_type [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_transform [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_translate [Html_sigs.T] |
May be used to specify custom attributes.
a_v_alphabetic [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_v_hanging [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_v_mathematical [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_value [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_values [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_version [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_version [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_vert_adv_y [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_vert_origin_x [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_vert_origin_y [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_videographic [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_viewBox [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_viewTarget [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_xlink_href [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_xlink_show [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_xlink_title [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_xml_base [Svg_sigs.T] |
a_xml_lang [Svg_sigs.T] | |
a_xml_lang [Html_sigs.T] | |
a_xml_space [Svg_sigs.T] |
altGlyphDef [Svg_sigs.T] |
altGlyphItem [Svg_sigs.T] |
alternative_content_types [Xml_sigs.Info] | |
amap [Tyxml_xml] |
Recursively edit attributes for the element and all its children.
amap [Xml_iter.Make] |
Recursively edit attributes for the element and all its children.
amap1 [Tyxml_xml] |
Edit attributes only for one element.
amap1 [Xml_iter.Make] |
Edit attributes only for one element.
aname [Xml_sigs.Iterable] | |
animate [Svg_sigs.T] | |
animateColor [Svg_sigs.T] | |
animateMotion [Svg_sigs.T] | |
animateTransform [Svg_sigs.T] | |
animation [Svg_sigs.T] |
Remove phantom type annotation on an element, to make it usable everywhere.
coerce_elt [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Remove phantom type annotation on an element, to make it usable everywhere.
col [Html_sigs.T] | |
colgroup [Html_sigs.T] | |
color_profile [Svg_sigs.T] |
comma_sep_attrib [Html_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Same, for a comma separated list of values
comma_sep_attrib [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Same, for a comma separated list of values
comma_sep_attrib [Xml_sigs.T] | |
command [Html_sigs.T] | |
comment [Xml_sigs.T] | |
compose_decl [Xml_print] |
encoding is the name of the character encoding, e.g.
compose_doctype [Xml_print] | |
concat [Xml_sigs.Output] | |
cons [Xml_wrap.T] | |
content [Xml_sigs.Iterable] | |
content_type [Xml_sigs.Info] | |
cursor [Svg_sigs.T] | |
D | |
data [Html_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Insert raw text without any encoding
data [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Insert raw text without any encoding
The encoder maps strings to HTML and must encode the unsafe characters '<', '>', '"', '&' and the control characters 0-8, 11-12, 14-31, 127 to HTML entities.
encode_unsafe_char_and_at [Xml_print] |
In addition, encode "@" as "@" in the hope that this will fool simple minded email address harvesters.
encodedpcdata [Xml_sigs.T] | |
entity [Html_sigs.T] |
entity "foo" is the HTML entity &foo;.
Same, for float attribute
float_attrib [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Same, for float attribute
float_attrib [Xml_sigs.T] | |
fmap [Xml_wrap.T] | |
fold [Tyxml_xml] | |
fold [Xml_iter.Make] | |
font [Svg_sigs.T] |
font_face [Svg_sigs.T] |
font_face_format [Svg_sigs.T] |
font_face_name [Svg_sigs.T] |
font_face_src [Svg_sigs.T] |
font_face_uri [Svg_sigs.T] |
footer [Html_sigs.T] | |
foreignObject [Svg_sigs.T] | |
form [Html_sigs.T] | |
G | |
g [Svg_sigs.T] | |
glyph [Svg_sigs.T] |
glyphRef [Svg_sigs.T] |
H | |
h1 [Html_sigs.T] | |
h2 [Html_sigs.T] | |
h3 [Html_sigs.T] | |
h4 [Html_sigs.T] | |
h5 [Html_sigs.T] | |
h6 [Html_sigs.T] | |
head [Html_sigs.T] | |
header [Html_sigs.T] | |
hgroup [Html_sigs.T] | |
hkern [Svg_sigs.T] |
hr [Html_sigs.T] | |
html [Html_sigs.T] | |
I | |
i [Html_sigs.T] | |
iframe [Html_sigs.T] | |
image [Svg_sigs.T] | |
img [Html_sigs.T] | |
input [Html_sigs.T] | |
ins [Html_sigs.T] | |
int_attrib [Html_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Same, for int attribute
int_attrib [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Same, for int attribute
int_attrib [Xml_sigs.T] | |
K | |
kbd [Html_sigs.T] | |
keyboard_event_handler_attrib [Xml_sigs.T] | |
keygen [Html_sigs.T] | |
L | |
label [Html_sigs.T] |
Label authorizes only one control inside them that should be labelled with a for attribute (although it is not necessary).
leaf [Html_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Insert an XML node without children that is not implemented in this module.
leaf [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Insert an XML node without children that is not implemented in this module.
Given the payload of a %html ... or %svg ... expression, converts it to a TyXML expression representing the markup contained therein.
menu [Html_sigs.T] | |
meta [Html_sigs.T] | |
metadata [Svg_sigs.T] | |
meter [Html_sigs.T] | |
missing_glyph [Svg_sigs.T] |
mouse_event_handler_attrib [Xml_sigs.T] | |
mpath [Svg_sigs.T] | |
N | |
namespace [Xml_sigs.Info] | |
nav [Html_sigs.T] | |
nil [Xml_wrap.T] | |
node [Html_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Insert an XML node that is not implemented in this module.
node [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Insert an XML node that is not implemented in this module.
node [Xml_sigs.T] | |
normalize [Xml_print.Utf8] |
normalize str take a possibly invalid utf-8 string and return a valid utf-8 string where invalid bytes have been replaced by the replacement character U+FFFD.
normalize_html [Xml_print.Utf8] |
Same as normalize plus some extra work : It encode '<' , '>' , '"' , '&' characters with corresponding entities and replaced invalid html character by U+FFFD
noscript [Html_sigs.T] | |
O | |
object_ [Html_sigs.T] | |
of_seq [Tyxml_xml] | |
of_seq [Xml_stream.Import] | |
of_seq [Svg_sigs.T] |
import signal converts the given XML signal into Tyxml elements.
of_seq [Html_sigs.T] |
import signal converts the given XML signal into Tyxml elements.
pcdata [Html_sigs.T] |
pcdata [Xml_sigs.T] | |
picture [Html_sigs.T] |
polygon [Svg_sigs.T] | |
polyline [Svg_sigs.T] | |
pp [Tyxml_svg] |
pp () is a Format printer for Svg documents.
pp [Tyxml_html] |
pp () is a Format printer for Html documents.
pp [Xml_sigs.Pp] |
pp () is a Format printer for untyped XML.
pp [Xml_sigs.Typed_pp] |
pp () is a Format printer for complete documents.
pp_elt [Tyxml_svg] |
pp_elt () is a Format printer for Svg elements.
pp_elt [Tyxml_html] |
pp_elt () is a Format printer for Html elements.
pp_elt [Xml_sigs.Typed_pp] |
pp_elt () is a Format printer for individual elements.
pp_number [Xml_print] |
Same, for a space separated list of values
space_sep_attrib [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Same, for a space separated list of values
space_sep_attrib [Xml_sigs.T] | |
span [Html_sigs.T] | |
standard [Xml_sigs.Info] | |
stop [Svg_sigs.T] | |
string_attrib [Html_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Insert an attribute that is not implemented in this module.
string_attrib [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Insert an attribute that is not implemented in this module.
Convert a float to a string using a compact representation compatible with the Javascript norm.
tspan [Svg_sigs.T] | |
txt [Svg_sigs.T] | |
txt [Html_sigs.T] | |
U | |
u [Html_sigs.T] | |
ul [Html_sigs.T] | |
unoption_string [Html_sigs.Wrapped_functions] | |
uri_attrib [Html_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Same, for URI attribute
uri_attrib [Svg_sigs.T.Unsafe] |
Same, for URI attribute
W | |
wbr [Html_sigs.T] |