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Module Eliom_mkforms

module Eliom_mkforms: sig..end

This module defines the functor to use to creates modules generating form widgets for your own types of pages. It is used for example in Eliom_predefmod.

module type FORMCREATE = sig..end

module type ELIOMFORMSIG = sig..end

module MakeForms:

functor (Pages:FORMCREATE) ->
   type form_content_elt = Pages.form_content_elt
   and type form_content_elt_list = Pages.form_content_elt_list
   and type form_elt = Pages.form_elt
   and type a_content_elt = Pages.a_content_elt
   and type a_content_elt_list = Pages.a_content_elt_list
   and type a_elt = Pages.a_elt
   and type a_elt_list = Pages.a_elt_list
   and type div_content_elt = Pages.div_content_elt
   and type div_content_elt_list = Pages.div_content_elt_list
   and type uri = Pages.uri
   and type link_elt = Pages.link_elt
   and type script_elt = Pages.script_elt
   and type textarea_elt = Pages.textarea_elt
   and type input_elt = Pages.input_elt
   and type pcdata_elt = Pages.pcdata_elt
   and type select_elt = Pages.select_elt
   and type select_content_elt = Pages.select_content_elt
   and type select_content_elt_list = Pages.select_content_elt_list
   and type button_elt = Pages.button_elt
   and type button_content_elt = Pages.button_content_elt
   and type button_content_elt_list = Pages.button_content_elt_list
   and type option_elt = Pages.option_elt
   and type option_elt_list = Pages.option_elt_list
   and type a_attrib_t = Pages.a_attrib_t
   and type form_attrib_t = Pages.form_attrib_t
   and type input_attrib_t = Pages.input_attrib_t
   and type textarea_attrib_t = Pages.textarea_attrib_t
   and type select_attrib_t = Pages.select_attrib_t
   and type link_attrib_t = Pages.link_attrib_t
   and type script_attrib_t = Pages.script_attrib_t
   and type optgroup_attrib_t = Pages.optgroup_attrib_t
   and type option_attrib_t = Pages.option_attrib_t
   and type button_attrib_t = Pages.button_attrib_t
   and type input_type_t = Pages.input_type_t
   and type button_type_t = Pages.button_type_t

val reconstruct_relative_url_path : string list -> string list -> string list

Constructs a relative link (low level). The first parameter is the current URL, the second is the destination.