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Module Xhtmlpretty

module Xhtmlpretty: sig..end

XHTML pretty printing

val ocsigenadv : string

A text included in each page

val xhtml_print :
   ?version:[< XHTML.M.doctypes > `XHTML_01_01 ] ->
    ?width:int ->
    ?encode:(string -> string) ->
    ?html_compat:bool -> [ `Html ] XHTML.M.elt -> string

Ocsigen's pretty printer for xhtml. html_compat is an option to set if you want to print with a syntax closer to html (not xml).

val xhtml_list_print :
   ?version:[< XHTML.M.doctypes > `XHTML_01_01 ] ->
    ?width:int ->
    ?encode:(string -> string) ->
    ?html_compat:bool -> 'a XHTML.M.elt list -> string

Ocsigen's pretty printer for xhtml portions. html_compat is an option to set if you want to print with a syntax closer to html (not xml).