Module Eliom_parameter
module Eliom_parameter : sig..end
include Eliom_parameter_sigs.S
val user_type :
?client_to_and_of:'a to_and_of Eliom_client_value.t ->
of_string:(string -> 'a) ->
to_string:('a -> string) ->
string ->
('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of 'a ] param_name) params_type
user_type ~of_string ~to_string s construct a parameter, labeled s, such that the server will have to use of_string and to_string to make the conversion between the OCaml representation of the parameter and it's representation as a string. It allows one to use any type for a parameter. Providing converters via the optional ?client_to_and_from parameter allows injecting the parameter (or a service that uses it) for use in client code.
val all_suffix_user :
?client_to_and_of:'a to_and_of Eliom_client_value.t ->
of_string:(string -> 'a) ->
to_string:('a -> string) ->
string -> ('a, [ `Endsuffix ], [ `One of 'a ] param_name) params_type
Takes the whole suffix, as long as possible, with a type specified by the user. See user_type for the description of the arguments.
val type_checker :
('a -> unit) ->
('a, [< suff ] as 'b, 'c) params_type -> ('a, 'b, 'c) params_type
Specifying parameter as type_checker check t is equivalent as t but the check function is called after decoding the parameters, allowing you to make more checks on the parameters before the service handler is called. Raise an exception if the parameter is not correct, and the error handler will be called instead of the service handler.
val regexp :
Re.Pcre.regexp ->
string ->
to_string:(string -> string) ->
string ->
(string, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of string ] param_name)
regexp r d s tells that the service takes a string that matches the regular expression r as parameter, labeled s, and that will be rewritten in d. The syntax of regexp is PCRE's one (uses then Pcre bindings). For example: regexp (Re.Pcre.regexp "\[(.* )\]") "($1)" "myparam" will match the parameter myparam=[hello] and send the string "(hello)" to the service handler.
val all_suffix_regexp :
Re.Pcre.regexp ->
string ->
to_string:(string -> string) ->
string ->
(string, [ `Endsuffix ], [ `One of string ] param_name) params_type
all_suffix_regexp r d s takes all the suffix, as long as possible, matching the regular expression r, name s, and rewrite it in d.
val get_non_localized_get_parameters :
('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) non_localized_params -> 'a option
get_non_localized_get_parameters ~sp p decodes and returns non localized GET parameters specified by p if present.
val get_non_localized_post_parameters :
('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) non_localized_params -> 'a option
get_non_localized_post_parameters ~sp p decodes and returns non localized POST parameters specified by p if present.