Programming client-server applications with Eliom
Table of contents
General principles
What is a client/server Eliom application
An Eliom application is a distributed application that runs partly on the server, partly on a browser. The program is written entirely in OCaml, with a syntax extension to distinguish between server and client code. During the compilation process, the program is decoupled into server and client parts. The server part is compiled as is standard for OCaml code, while the client part is compiled to Javascript to be run in the browser.
For developing an Eliom application, we recommend that you use our PPX syntax extension.
An interesting feature of Eliom applications is that the client-side process does not stop when you click on a link or send a form, and it is possible to keep the traditional Web interaction (with URLs, bookmarks, back button, etc). For example, if the page is playing music, the music won't stop when the user proceeds to other pages on the Web site.
Client-side parts are using Lwt, enabling concurrency in the browser very easily.
As both parts are implemented in OCaml, it is very easy to use client-side OCaml data on server side, and vice-versa. Eliom handles the communication between client and server automatically in both directions. For example, it is possible to use a server-side variable in the client program.
Eliom also implements an "HTTP-push" mechanism, allowing the server to send messages to a client.
Client-side parts of the program can use most Eliom features, just as usual, for example to create HTML, links, and forms from services.
On the server, it is possible to save data (some state) for each client process (that is, one tab in a browser), simply by using Eliom references with scope `Client_process. You can register services for one client process, or even set cookies for one tab.
How it works
The code of an Eliom application is written in OCaml, with a syntax extension to distinguish between server and client code. The files using this syntax usually have the extension .eliom. As the compling process is quite complex, we provide commands called eliomc, eliomopt and js_of_eliom that do everything for you: separating client and server parts, calling ocamlc, ocamlopt, js_of_ocaml, etc.
Services belonging to the application are registered using the module Eliom_registration.App. More precisely, this is a functor that needs to be applied for each application you create. These services just return HTML pages as usual (using Eliom_content.Html) The client-side program (compiled in JavaScript) is added automatically by Eliom, with all its data, and run automatically when the page is loaded.
Module Eliom_client provides useful functions for client side programming with Eliom: e.g. Eliom_client.change_page permits switching to another page.
Module Eliom_comet allows the server to send notifications to the client (even if the client is not explicitely doing a request). Use module Eliom_react to make client-server reactive programming (using the React external library).
The App functor
For each Eliom application, you must create a service registration module by applying the App functor:
module My_app =
Eliom_registration.App (
let application_name = "the name of your application"
let global_data_path = None
the application_name parameter is the name of the JavaScript file containing the application.
global_data_path specifies the path of an auxilliary service needed for mobile apps, and you can provide None for standard Web applications.
Then you can do for example:
let my_service =
~path:(Eliom_service.Path [""])
~meth:(Eliom_service.Get Eliom_parameter.unit)
(fun () () -> Lwt.return (html
(head (title (txt "Hi!")) [])
(body [p [txt "Hey."]])))
Eliom will add automatically the required headers to send the client side program and all its data.
Application, life and death
When an user enters the page of a service registered by an application module (created with the App functor), the application is started. During the life of the application, a single OCaml program will run on the browser: Lwt threads will keep running, global variables will stay available, etc. until the application is closed. The application will keep running when the user clicks on links to pages inside the same application.
This application will be closed when:
- the user closes the browser tab containing the application,
- the user goes to a page outside of the application,
- the user changes the current url by another mean than the application interaction (reload the page with F5, manual typing of URL, ...),
- the application call the Eliom_client.exit_to function.
It is possible to prevent the application from starting when visiting an application page by setting the do_not_launch to true at the service registration:
let no_launch_service =
~option:{ Eliom_registration.default_appl_service_options with
do_not_launch = true }
~path:(Eliom_service.Path [""])
~meth:(Eliom_service.Get Eliom_parameter.unit)
(fun () () -> Lwt.return (html
(head (title (txt "Hi!")) [])
(body [p [txt "Hey."]])))
That way, you can delay JavaScript loading until it is really needed. Visiting a service registered with do_not_launch=true will not stop a running application.
By default, every link of form towards another service of the same application is reimplemented by Eliom so that it does not stop the application. Instead of asking the browser to load a new page, Eliom does an XML HTTP request (XHR). You can avoid this and insert regular links or forms by adding the optional parameter ~xhr:false. This will force reloading the application when the link is clicked.
Navigating in and out of the application.
Two functions are available client-side for changing the current page without interaction from the user. The function Eliom_client.change_page goes to the service taken as parameter. If the service is in another application or not in an application, the current application will be stopped. The function Eliom_client.window_open opens an Eliom service in a new browser window (cf. JavaScript's Eliom_client.exit_to changes the current page and always leaves the application.
Leaving application and going back
Usually, when going to an application page, a new client process is launched on the server, but there are situations where an old client process is used instead: Browsers tend to take the result from their cache when using the back button even if the page was marked (by HTTP headers) as non-cacheable.