Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.


HTML widgets

Images, CSS, Javascript

To include an image, simply use function Eliom_content.Html.D.img:

img ~alt:"Ocsigen"
            ~service:(Eliom_service.static_dir ())
            ["images"; "ocsigen1024.jpg"])

The function Eliom_content.Html.D.make_uri creates a relative URL string from current URL (see above) to the URL of the image (here in the static directory configured in the configuration file).

To simplify the creation of <link> tags for CSS or <script> tags for Javascript, use the following functions:

         ~service:(Eliom_service.static_dir ()) ["style.css"]) ()
         ~service:(Eliom_service.static_dir ()) ["funs.js"]) ()

Basic menus

To generate a context-aware menu on your Web page, you can use the function Eliom_tools.HTML5_TOOLS.menu. This function can be used from either of the modules Eliom_tools.Html.D or Eliom_tools.Html.F. (See HTML element manipulation, by value and by reference).

Here is a simple example:

let mymenu =
  let items =
    [(home,     [txt "Home"]);
     (info,     [txt "More info"]);
     (tutorial, [txt "Documentation"])]

items is a list of pairs correlating the services to be linked with the text to be displayed: home, info, and tutorial are our three services (generated, for example, by Eliom_registration.App.create or Eliom_service.create).

The argument to the optional parameter classe adds the class menuprincipal to the resulting menu element.

The argument to the optional parameter service determines which menu item to highlight. In this case, we use Eliom_service.reload_action to highlight whichever service is currently being visited.

mymenu (), when viewed on the home page, will generate the following HTML:

<ul class="eliomtools_menu menuprincipal caml_r" data-eliom-id="x1TqwAXRlB1I">
  <li class="eliomtools_current eliomtools_first">
    <a class="caml_c" href="info/" data-eliom-c-onclick="P7IUw76wowL1">
      More info
  <li class="eliomtools_last">
    <a class="caml_c" href="tutorial/" data-eliom-c-onclick="P7IUw76wowL2">

You may then personalize the element in your CSS stylesheet as normal.

Note: Eliom_tools.D.menu takes a list of services without GET parameters. If you want one of the links to contain GET parameters, pre-apply the service.

Hierarchical menus

(* Hierarchical menu *)
open Eliom_tools_common

let hier1 = service ~path:["hier1"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier2 = service ~path:["hier2"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier3 = service ~path:["hier3"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier4 = service ~path:["hier4"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier5 = service ~path:["hier5"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier6 = service ~path:["hier6"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier7 = service ~path:["hier7"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier8 = service ~path:["hier8"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier9 = service ~path:["hier9"] ~get_params:unit ()
let hier10 = service ~path:["hier10"] ~get_params:unit ()

let mymenu =
   (Main_page hier1),

   [([txt "page 1"], Site_tree (Main_page hier1, []));

    ([txt "page 2"], Site_tree (Main_page hier2, []));

    ([txt "submenu 4"],
       (Default_page hier4,
         [([txt "submenu 3"],
              [([txt "page 3"], Site_tree (Main_page hier3, []));
               ([txt "page 4"], Site_tree (Main_page hier4, []));
               ([txt "page 5"], Site_tree (Main_page hier5, []))]

          ([txt "page 6"], Site_tree (Main_page hier6, []))]

    ([txt "page 7"],
     Site_tree (Main_page hier7, []));

    ([txt "disabled"], Disabled);

    ([txt "submenu 8"],
       (Main_page hier8,
        [([txt "page 9"], Site_tree (Main_page hier9, []));
         ([txt "page 10"], Site_tree (Main_page hier10, []))]

let f i s () () =
       (head (title (txt ""))
          ((style ~contenttype:"text/css"
 "a {color: red;}\n
  li.eliomtools_current > a {color: blue;}\n
  .breadthmenu li {\n
    display: inline;\n
    padding: 0px 1em;\n
    margin: 0px;\n
    border-right: solid 1px black;}\n
  .breadthmenu li.eliomtools_last {border: none;}\n
                Html_tools.F.structure_links mymenu ~service:s ())
       (body [h1 [txt ("Page "^string_of_int i)];
              h2 [txt "Depth first, whole tree:"];
                   ~whole_tree:true mymenu ~service:s ());
              h2 [txt "Depth first, only current submenu:"];
              div (Html_tools.F.hierarchical_menu_depth_first mymenu ~service:s ());
              h2 [txt "Breadth first:"];
                   ~classe:["breadthmenu"] mymenu ~service:s ())]))

let _ =
  register hier1 (f 1 hier1);
  register hier2 (f 2 hier2);
  register hier3 (f 3 hier3);
  register hier4 (f 4 hier4);
  register hier5 (f 5 hier5);
  register hier6 (f 6 hier6);
  register hier7 (f 7 hier7);
  register hier8 (f 8 hier8);
  register hier9 (f 9 hier9);
  register hier10 (f 10 hier10)