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Module Lwt_read_line.Command

module Command : sig..end

Readline commands

type t =  | Nop(* Command which do nothing. Unknown keys maps to this commands. *) | Char of Text.t(* Any printable character. *) | Backward_delete_char | Forward_delete_char | Beginning_of_line | End_of_line | Complete | Meta_complete | Kill_line | Backward_kill_line | Accept_line | Backward_delete_word | Forward_delete_word | History_next | History_previous | Break | Clear_screen | Insert | Refresh | Backward_char | Forward_char | Set_mark | Paste | Copy | Cut | Uppercase | Lowercase | Capitalize | Backward_word | Forward_word | Backward_search | Complete_left | Complete_right | Complete_up | Complete_down | Complete_first | Complete_last | Undo | Delete_char_or_list

Type of all read-line function:

val to_string : t -> string

to_string cmd returns a string representation of a command

val of_string : string -> t

of_string cld tries to convert a command name to a command.
Raises Failure if it fails.

val names : (t * string) list

names is the list of all commands (except Char ch) with their name.

val of_key : Lwt_term.key -> t

of_key key returns the command to which a key is mapped.