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Module Ot_page_transition

module Ot_page_transition : sig..end

This widget helps realize page transition with screenshots.

type animation =  | Nil | Forward | Backward

The type of animation. Nil means there is no animation. Forward means going forward in history or loading a new page. Normally we will see a page come from the right side and cover the current page. Backward means going backward in history. In this case, the current page moves to the right side in order to display the page covered by it.

module type PAGE_TRANSITION_CONF = sig..end

Suppose that screenshots are stored in objects of type screenshot.

module Make : functor (Conf : PAGE_TRANSITION_CONF) -> 
  sig..endwith type screenshot = Conf.screenshot

install_global_handler t take_screenshot animation_type creates a global onchangepage handler which is registered recursively and applies to all pages.

val install_global_handler_withURI : 
  ?transition_duration:float ->
  take_screenshot:((string -> unit) -> unit) ->
  animation_type:(Eliom_client.changepage_event ->
   animation) ->

install_global_handler_withURI enables you to skip the step of creating a module of type PAGE_TRANSITION_CONF when screenshots are stored as a data uri.