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Module Ot_picture_uploader

module Ot_picture_uploader : sig..end

Picture uploader widget

Ot_picture_uploader allows the user to see a picture he wants to send to the before sending it server. Also, controllers can be added to allow the user to specify a cropping area. No cropping is actually done on the client side, it MUST be handled on server side.

type cropping = (float * float * float * float) React.S.t
type 'a upload = 
  ?progress:(int -> int -> unit) ->
  ?cropping:cropping ->
  Js_of_ocaml.File.file Js_of_ocaml.Js.t -> 'a Lwt.t
type ('a, 'b) service = 
   'a * ((float * float * float * float) option * Eliom_lib.file_info),
   Eliom_service.post, Eliom_service.non_att, Eliom_service.co,
   Eliom_service.non_ext, Eliom_service.reg, [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit,
   [ `One of 'a Eliom_parameter.ocaml ] Eliom_parameter.param_name *
   ([ `One of
   (float * float * float * float) option Eliom_parameter.ocaml ]
   Eliom_parameter.param_name *
   [ `One of Eliom_lib.file_info ] Eliom_parameter.param_name),
   'b Eliom_service.ocaml)

a service that implements a function with type 'a -> 'b

val input : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.label_attrib > `Class ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib
   list ->
  [< Html_types.label_content_fun ] Eliom_content.Html.elt list ->
  [> `Input ] Eliom_content.Html.elt *
  [> `Label ] Eliom_content.Html.elt

Create a file input element with good input type ot-pup-input class and wrap it into a label. Return (input node, label node)

val preview : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.img_attrib > `Class ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list ->
  unit -> [> `Img ] Eliom_content.Html.elt

Create a img element with no src, no alt and ot-pup-preview class.

val submit : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.button_attrib > `Class ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib
   list ->
  [< Html_types.button_content ] Eliom_content.Html.elt list ->
  [> `Button ] Eliom_content.Html.elt

Create a button with ot-pup-sumit clas

val mk_form : 
  ?after_submit:(unit -> unit Lwt.t) ->
  ?crop:float option ->
  ?input:[< Html_types.label_attrib > `Class ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib
   list *
   [< Html_types.label_content_fun ] Eliom_content.Html.elt list ->
  ?submit:[< Html_types.button_attrib > `Class ]
   Eliom_content.Html.attrib list *
   [< Html_types.button_content_fun ] Eliom_content.Html.elt list ->
  'a upload ->
  [> `Form ] Eliom_content.Html.elt Lwt.t

Ready-to-use form. Customizable with input, the input button content, submit, the submit button content. If crop is present, cropping is enable, with the optional ratio it is. The last argument determines the method by which the file is uploaded.

val mk_service : string -> 'a Deriving_Json.t -> ('a, 'b) service

mk_service name arg_deriver Create a named service taking (arg_deriver, (cropping, file)) parameter