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Module Ocsigen_lib_base.String_base

module String_base : sig..end

Improvement of module String

include String
val remove_spaces : string -> int -> int -> string

remove_spaces s beg endd returns a copy of the string from beg to endd, removing spaces at the beginning and at the end

val basic_sep : char -> string -> string * string

Cuts a string to the next separator

val sep : char -> string -> string * string

Cuts a string to the next separator, removing spaces. Raises Not_found if the separator cannot be found.

val split : ?multisep:bool -> char -> string -> string list

Splits a string for words with separator, removing spaces. For ex "azert, sdfmlskdf, dfdsfs".

val may_append : string -> sep:string -> string -> string
val may_concat : string -> sep:string -> string -> string
val first_diff : string -> string -> int -> int -> int

first_diff s1 s2 n last returns the index of the first difference between s1 and s2, starting from n and ending at last. returns (last + 1) if no difference is found.

module Table : Map.Swith type key = string
module Set : Set.Swith type elt = string
module Map : Map.Swith type key = string