This is the end of the tutorial about writing a collaborative Web drawing in OCaml. Have a look at the full tutorial if you haven’t read the first part or if you want a version with full colors and links.
In the last part, we’ve seen how to create a client-server Web application in OCaml. The server generates a Web page and sends it together with an OCaml program (compiled to JavaScript) to the browser.
We will now see how to draw on the canvas, program mouse events with Lwt, and do server to client communication on a bus.
We now want to draw something on the page using an HTML5 canvas. The
drawing primitive is defined in the client-side function called
that just draws a line between two given points in a canvas.
To start our collaborative drawing application, we define another
client-side function init_client
, which just draws a single
line for now.
Here is the (full) new version of the program:
(* Modules opened in the shared-section are available in client-
and server-code *)
open Eliom_content.Html5.D
open Lwt
module Graffiti_app =
Eliom_registration.App (
let application_name = "graffiti"
let%shared width = 700
let%shared height = 400
let%client draw ctx ((r, g, b), size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =
let color = CSS.Color.string_of_t (CSS.Color.rgb r g b) in
ctx##.strokeStyle := (Js.string color);
ctx##.lineWidth := float size;
ctx##(moveTo (float x1) (float y1));
ctx##(lineTo (float x2) (float y2));
let canvas_elt =
canvas ~a:[a_width width; a_height height]
[pcdata "your browser doesn't support canvas"]
let page () =
(head (title (pcdata "Graffiti")) [])
(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"];
let%client init_client () =
let canvas = Eliom_content.Html5.To_dom.of_canvas ~%canvas_elt in
let ctx = canvas##(getContext (Dom_html._2d_)) in
ctx##.lineCap := Js.string "round";
draw ctx ((0, 0, 0), 12, (10, 10), (200, 100))
let main_service =
Graffiti_app.register_service ~path:[""] ~get_params:Eliom_parameter.unit
(fun () () ->
(* Cf. section "Client side side-effects on the server" *)
let _ = [%client (init_client () : unit) ] in
Lwt.return (page ()))
Here we use the function Js.string
from Js_of_ocaml’s library to convert an OCaml string
into a JS string.
What sounds a bit weird at first, is a very convenient practice for processing request in a client-server application: If a client value is created while processing a request, it will be evaluated on the client once it receives the response and the document is created; the corresponding side effects are then executed. For example, the line
let _ = [%client (init_client () : unit) ] in
creates a client value for the sole purpose of performing side
effects on the client. The client value can also be named (as
opposed to ignored via _
), thus enabling server-side
manipulation of client-side values (see below).
(Lwt, Mouse events with Lwt)
We now want to catch mouse events to draw lines with the mouse like
with the brush tools of any classical drawing application. One
solution would be to mimic typical JavaScript code in OCaml; for
example by using function Dom_events.listen
that is the Js_of_ocaml’s equivalent of
. However, this solution is at least as verbose
as the JavaScript equivalent, hence not satisfactory. Js_of_ocaml’s
library provides a much easier way to do that with the help of Lwt.
Replace the init_client
of the previous example by the
following piece of code, then compile and draw!
let%client init_client () =
let canvas = Eliom_content.Html5.To_dom.of_canvas ~%canvas_elt in
let ctx = canvas##(getContext (Dom_html._2d_)) in
ctx##.lineCap := Js.string "round";
let x = ref 0 and y = ref 0 in
let set_coord ev =
let x0, y0 = Dom_html.elementClientPosition canvas in
x := ev##.clientX - x0; y := ev##.clientY - y0
let compute_line ev =
let oldx = !x and oldy = !y in
set_coord ev;
((0, 0, 0), 5, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))
let line ev = draw ctx (compute_line ev); Lwt.return () in
Lwt.async (fun () ->
let open Lwt_js_events in
mousedowns canvas
(fun ev _ ->
set_coord ev; line ev >>= fun () ->
[mousemoves Dom_html.document (fun x _ -> line x);
mouseup Dom_html.document >>= line]))
We use two references x
and y
to record the last mouse
position. The function set_coord
updates those references from
mouse event data. The function compute_line
computes the
coordinates of a line from the initial (old) coordinates to the new
coordinates–the event data sent as a parameter.
The last four lines of code implement the event-handling loop. They
can be read as follows: for each mousedown
event on the canvas,
do set_coord
, then line
(this will draw a dot), then
behave as the first
of the two following lines that terminates:
.Functions in Eliom and Js_of_ocaml which do not implement just a
computation or direct side effect, but rather wait for user activity,
or file system access, or need a unforeseeable amount of time to return
are defined with Lwt; instead of returning a value of type a
they return an Lwt thread of type a Lwt.t
The only way to use the result of such functions (ones that return
values in the Lwt monad), is to use Lwt.bind
Lwt.bind : 'a Lwt.t -> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'b Lwt.t
It is convenient to define an infix operator like this:
let (>>=) = Lwt.bind
Then the code
f () >>= fun x ->
is conceptually similar to
let x = f () in
but only for functions returning a value in the Lwt monad.
For more clarity, there is a syntax extension for Lwt, defining
to be used instead of let
for Lwt functions:
let%lwt x = f () in
creates a terminated thread from a value: Lwt.return : 'a -> 'a Lwt.t
Use it when you must
return something in the Lwt monad (for example in a service handler,
or often after a Lwt.bind
An Eliom application is a cooperative program, as the server must be able to handle several requests at the same time. Ocsigen is using cooperative threading instead of the more widely used preemptive threading paradigm. It means that no scheduler will interrupt your functions whenever it wants. Switching from one thread to another is done only when there is a cooperation point.
We will use the term cooperative functions to identify functions
implemented in cooperative way, that is: if something takes
(potentially a long) time to complete (for example reading a value
from a database), they insert a cooperation point to let other threads
run. Cooperative functions return a value in the Lwt monad
(that is, a value of type 'a Lwt.t
for some type 'a
and Lwt.return
do not introduce cooperation points.
In our example, the function Lwt_js_events.mouseup
may introduce
a cooperation point, because it is unforeseeable when this event
happens. That’s why it returns a value in the Lwt monad.
Using cooperative threads has a huge advantage: given that you know precisely where the cooperation points are, you need very few mutexes and you have very low risk of deadlocks!
Using Lwt is very easy and does not cause trouble, provided you never use blocking functions (non-cooperative functions). Blocking functions can cause the entre server to hang! Remember:
instead of module
does not introduce any cooperation point.The module Lwt_js_events
allows easily defining event listeners using Lwt. For example,
takes a
DOM element and returns an Lwt thread that will wait until a click
occures on this element.
Functions with an ending “s” (Lwt_js_events.clicks
, …) start again waiting after the
handler terminates.
behaves as the first thread
in the list to terminate, and cancels the others.
(Client server communication)
In order to see what other users are drawing, we now want to do the following:
We first declare a type, shared by the server and the client, describing the color (as RGB values) and coordinates of drawn lines.
type messages =
((int * int * int) * int * (int * int) * (int * int))
[@@deriving json]
We annotate the type declaration with [@@deriving json]
to allow
type-safe deserialization of this type. Eliom forces you to use this
in order to avoid server crashes if a client sends corrupted data.
This is defined using a JSON plugin for
ppx_deriving, which you
need to install. You need to do that for each type of data sent by the
client to the server. This annotation can only be added on types
containing exclusively basic types, or other types annotated with
[@@deriving json]
Then we create an Eliom bus to broadcast drawing events to all client
with the function Eliom_bus.create
This function take as parameter the type of
values carried by the bus.
let bus = Eliom_bus.create [%derive.json: messages]
To write draw commands into the bus, we just replace the function
in init_client
let line ev =
let v = compute_line ev in
let _ = Eliom_bus.write ~%bus v in
draw ctx v;
Lwt.return () in
Finally, to interpret the draw orders read on the bus, we add the
following line at the end of function init_client
Lwt.async (fun () -> Lwt_stream.iter (draw ctx) ( ~%bus))
Now you can try the program using two browser windows to see that the lines are drawn on both windows.
Eliom provides multiple ways for the server to send unsolicited data to the client:
are broadcasting channels where
client and server can participate (see also «a_api project=”eliom”
subproject=”client” | type Eliom_bus.t » in the client
allows sending
React events from
the server to the client, and conversely.Eliom_comet.Channel.t
are one-way communication channels
allowing finer-grained control. It allows sending Lwt_stream
to the client.
and Eliom_bus
are implemented over
It is possible to control the idle behaviour with module
(Widgets with Ocsigen-widgets)
In this section, we add a color picker and slider to choose the size
of the brush. For the colorpicker we used a widget available in
To install Ocsigen widgets, do:
opam pin add ocsigen-widgets
opam install ocsigen-widgets
In Makefile.options
, created by Eliom’s distillery, add
to the
CLIENT_PACKAGES := ... ocsigen-widgets.client
To create the widget, we add the following code in the
immediately after canvas configuration:
(* Color of the brush *)
let colorpicker = Ow_color_picker.create ~width:150 () in
Ow_color_picker.append_at (Dom_html.document##.body) colorpicker;
Ow_color_picker.init_handler colorpicker;
We subsequently add a simple HTML5 slider to change the size of the
brush. Near the canvas_elt
definition, simply add the following
let slider =
Html5.D.a_id "slider";
Html5.D.a_input_min 1.;
Html5.D.a_input_max 80.
is a typing information telling that this input takes
an integer value. This kind of input can only be associated to
services taking an integer as parameter.
We then add the slider to the page body, as follows:
let page =
(head (title (pcdata "Graffiti")) [])
(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"];
div [slider]] ))
To change the size and the color of the brush, we replace the last
line of the function compute_line
in init_client
let rgb = Ow_color_picker.get_rgb colorpicker in
let size_slider = Eliom_content.Html5.To_dom.of_input ~%slider in
let size = int_of_string (Js.to_string size_slider##.value) in
(rgb, size, (oldx, oldy), (!x, !y))
Finally, we need to add a stylesheet in the headers of our page. To
easily create the head
HTML element, we use the function
let page =
(Eliom_tools.F.head ~title:"Graffiti"
~js:[] ())
(body [h1 [pcdata "Graffiti"]; canvas_elt; div [slider]])
You need to install the corresponding stylesheets and images into your
project. The stylesheet files should go to the directory
File graffiti.css is a custom-made CSS file.
You can then test your application (make test.byte
Ocsigen-widgets is a Js_of_ocaml library providing useful widgets for your Eliom applications. You can use it for building complex user interfaces.
(Services sending other data types)
To finish the first part of the tutorial, we want to save the current drawing on server side and send the current image when a new user arrives. To do that, we will use the Cairo binding for OCaml.
For using Cairo, first, make sure that it is installed (it is
available as cairo2
via OPAM). Second, add it to the
in your Makefile.options
: SERVER_PACKAGES := ... cairo2
The draw_server
function below is the equivalent of the
function on the server side and the image_string
function outputs the PNG image in a string.
let draw_server, image_string =
let surface = Cairo.Image.create Cairo.Image.ARGB32 ~width ~height in
let ctx = Cairo.create surface in
let rgb_floats_from_ints (r, g, b) =
float r /. 255., float g /. 255., float b /. 255. in
((fun (rgb, size, (x1, y1), (x2, y2)) ->
(* Set thickness of brush *)
Cairo.set_line_width ctx (float size) ;
Cairo.set_line_join ctx Cairo.JOIN_ROUND ;
Cairo.set_line_cap ctx Cairo.ROUND ;
let r, g, b = rgb_floats_from_ints rgb in
Cairo.set_source_rgb ctx ~r ~g ~b ;
Cairo.move_to ctx (float x1) (float y1) ;
Cairo.line_to ctx (float x2) (float y2) ;
Cairo.Path.close ctx ;
(* Apply the ink *)
Cairo.stroke ctx ;
(fun () ->
let b = Buffer.create 10000 in
(* Output a PNG in a string *)
Cairo.PNG.write_to_stream surface (Buffer.add_string b);
Buffer.contents b
let _ = Lwt_stream.iter draw_server ( bus)
We also define a service that sends the picture:
let imageservice =
(fun () () -> Lwt.return (image_string (), "image/png"))
The module Eliom_registration
defines several modules with
registration functions for a variety of data types. We have already
seen Eliom_registration.Html5
and Eliom_registration.App
The module Eliom_registration.String
sends arbitrary byte output
(represented by an OCaml string). The handler function must return
a pair consisting of the content and the content-type.
There are also several other output modules, for example:
to send static filesEliom_registration.Redirection
to create a redirection towards another pageEliom_registration.Any
to create services that decide late what
they want to sendEliom_registration.Ocaml
to send any OCaml data to be used in a
client side programEliom_registration.Action
to create service with no output
(the handler function just performs a side effect on the server)
and reload the current page (or not). We will see an example of actions
in the next chapter.We now want to load the initial image once the canvas is created. Add the following lines just between the creation of the canvas context and the creation of the slider:
(* The initial image: *)
let img =
(img ~alt:"canvas"
~src:(make_uri ~service:~%imageservice ())
img##.onload := Dom_html.handler
(fun ev -> ctx##drawImage img 0. 0.; Js._false);
You are then ready to try your graffiti-application by
make test.byte
Note, that the Makefile
from the distillery automatically adds
the packages defined in SERVER_PACKAGES
as an extension in your
configuration file local/etc/graffiti/graffiti-test.conf
<extension findlib-package="cairo2" />