Come and learn Ocsigen at FUN OCaml in Berlin!
Eliom extends OCaml/Reason into a multi-tier language making it possible to write your whole application (client and server parts) as a single program!
It can run as a Web app, or as a mobile app (based on Web technologies).
Js_of_ocaml translates your OCaml or Reason programs to Javascript. You can choose between readable or optimized JavaScript.
Js_of_ocaml operates from compiled OCaml bytecode programs. You don't even need the source code, and you don't need to recompile all the OCaml libraries you use.
Easy interfacing with Javascript libraries.
let fib num =
let rec aux num prec2 prec =
if num = 0
then prec
aux (num - 1) prec (prec + prec2)
in aux num 1 1
function fib(num)
{var num$0=num,prec2=1,prec=1;
{if(0 === num$0)return prec;
prec$0=prec + prec2 | 0,
num$1=num$0 - 1 | 0,
function(d){var b=d,c=1,a=1;for(;;){if(0===b)return a;var b=b-1|0,e=a+c|0,c=a,a=e;continue}};
Optimizing compiler from OCaml/Reason to Javascript.
Multi-tier language and framework for multi-platform apps.
Full-featured and extensible Web Server.
Cooperative threading library.
Persistent data for OCaml.
Static type-checking for HTML and SVG.
Native OCaml widgets for browsers (client side only or client-server).
A full-featured app to use as code example for your own projects.