Writing Wasm primitives
User-defined primitives can be implemented by writing Wasm modules. This modules (".wat" extension for text modules and ".wasm" extension for binary modules) can be passed on the command-line. With dune, you can use the option (wasm_of_ocaml (wasm_files ...)) to specify these runtime files.
It still makes sense to link JavaScript files to specify the possible side-effects of some primitives (see Link with JavaScript code), or to implement some functionalities in JavaScript. With dune, you can use the option (wasm_of_ocaml (javascript_files ...)) to specify these files.
Data representation
The type (ref eq) is used for all OCaml values. Integers, chars, booleans and constant constructors are mapped to (ref i31).
We use the following types for blocks, strings (and bytes), floats, float arrays, and Javascript values. The first field of a block is its tag, of type (ref i31).
(type $block (array (mut (ref eq)))) (type $bytes (array (mut i8))) (type $float (struct (field f64))) (type $float_array (array (mut f64))) (type $js (struct (ref null any)))
You can import the following functions to access or allocate integers of type int32, int64, and nativeint.
(import "env" "Int32_val" (func $Int32_val (param (ref eq)) (result i32))) (import "env" "caml_copy_int32" (func $caml_copy_int32 (param i32) (result (ref eq)))) (import "env" "Nativeint_val" (func $Nativeint_val (param (ref eq)) (result i32))) (import "env" "caml_copy_nativeint" (func $caml_copy_int32 (param i32) (result (ref eq)))) (import "env" "Int64_val" (func $Int64_val (param (ref eq)) (result i64))) (import "env" "caml_copy_int64" (func $caml_copy_int64 (param i64) (result (ref eq))))
Implementing primitives
You define a primitive by exporting a Wasm function with parameters and return value of type (ref eq).
(func (export "input") (param $channel (ref eq)) (param $buffer (ref eq)) (param $offset (ref eq)) (param $length (ref eq)) (result (ref eq)) ... )
Linking with JavaScript code
If you need to use JavaScript functions to implement your Wasm primitives, you can import them using the "js" namespace:
(import "js" "add" (func $add (param f64) (param f64) (result f64)))
The Js_of_ocaml linker is used include them in the generated code.
Interfacing with JavaScript
You can use functions defined in `runtime/wasm/jslib.wat` for conversions between JavaScript values and OCaml values (for instance, the function caml_js_to_float converts a JavaScript to an OCaml float) and to perform various JavaScript operations such as property access (function caml_js_get below) or function call.
(import "env" "caml_js_to_float" (func $caml_js_to_float (param (ref eq)) (result (ref eq)))) (import "env" "caml_js_get" (func $caml_js_get (param (ref eq)) (param (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))))