Index of exceptions
C | |
Canceled [Lwt] |
Canceled threads fails with this exception
Channel_closed [Lwt_io] |
Exception raised when a channel is closed.
Closed [Lwt_stream] |
Exception raised by the push function of a push-stream when pushing an element after the end of stream (= None) has been pushed.
E | |
Empty [Lwt_stream] |
Exception raised when trying to retrieve data from an empty stream.
Empty [Lwt_sequence] |
Exception raised by take_l and tale_s and when the sequence is empty
F | |
Full [Lwt_stream] |
Exception raised by the push function of a bounded push-stream when the stream queue is full and a thread is already waiting to push an element.
L | |
Logger_closed [Lwt_log_core] |
Exception raised when trying to use a closed logger
N | |
Not_available [Lwt_sys] |
Not_available(feature) is an exception that may be raised when a feature is not available on the current system.
O | |
Off [Lwt_switch] |
Exception raised when trying to add a hook to a switch that is already off.
R | |
Retry [Lwt_unix] |
If an action raises Lwt_unix.Retry, it will be requeued until the file descriptor becomes readable/writable again.
Retry_read [Lwt_unix] |
If an action raises Lwt_unix.Retry_read, it will be requeued until the file descriptor becomes readable.
Retry_write [Lwt_unix] |
If an action raises Lwt_unix.Retry_read, it will be requeued until the file descriptor becomes writables.
T | |
Timeout [Lwt_unix] |
Exception raised by timeout operations