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Module Ot_carousel

module Ot_carousel : sig..end

This is a widget containing blocks. One or several blocks are displayed at a time, depending on the size of the carousel. User can display the next/previous items by pressing buttons, by swiping on touch screens, or by pressing arrow keys.

It is possible to put a carousel inside another carousel.

A carousel can be horizontal or vertical.

This module also defines two other widgets related to the carousel:

  • bullets displays the current position in the carousel (as a set of bullets),
  • ribbon: display a swipeable horizontal menu to navigate the carousel.

You can use all these widgets in client or server OCaml side programs.

val make : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.div_attrib ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list ->
  ?vertical:bool ->
  ?position:int ->
  ?transition_duration:float ->
  ?inertia:float ->
  ?allow_overswipe:bool ->
  ?update:[ `Goto of int | `Next | `Prev ] React.event
   Eliom_client_value.t ->
  ?disabled:bool Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  ?full_height:[ `Header of (unit -> int) Eliom_client_value.t
   | `No
   | `No_header ] ->
  ?make_transform:(vertical:bool -> ?delta:int -> int -> string)
   Eliom_shared.Value.t ->
  ?make_page_attribute:(vertical:bool ->
   int ->
   Eliom_content.Html.D.attrib list)
   Eliom_shared.Value.t ->
  [< Html_types.div_content ] Eliom_content.Html.elt list ->
  [> `Div ] Eliom_content.Html.elt * int Eliom_shared.React.S.t *
  int Eliom_shared.React.S.t * float React.S.t Eliom_client_value.t

Creates a carousel from the elements of a list. ?position is the initial position (default 0). ?update is a react event you can use to command the carousel from outside. ?disabled is always false by default. When true, it is not possible to change carousel position. ?transition_duration allows to adjust the transition duration (which is currently constant). Default is 0.6s. ?inertia makes it possible to reduce (or increase) inertia. Default is 1.0. No inertia is 0.0. ?allow_overswipe is false by default. It true, it is possible to swipe before first page and after last page.

Use optional parameter ?full_height if you don't want scroll bars in carousel pages. Carousel will expand as necessary in the page, and swiping to another page will automatically update the scroll position of the whole page. Use this for example if you want a page with several tabs. `No_header means that the top of the screen will be used for the default position. Use `Header f if you want to add some extra space for a header (for example a tabbar). f is the function which returns the height of this header.

Optional parameter ?make_transform makes it possible to customize the transformation applied to the carousel when it moves. The default is a translation, but you may want for example a rotation for a circular carousel. Function make_transform takes ~vertical (whether the carousel is vertical or horizontal), the current move (?delta, in pixels) if the carousel is currently being dragged using fingers on touch screens, and the current position (before starting moving the carousel if it is currently being dragged). It must return the CSS value of the transform property for the page container (which has class "car2").

Optional parameter ?make_page_attribute allows to add html attributes to each page of the carousel. It takes the page number as parameter.

Function make returns:

  • the element,
  • the current position (as a react signal),
  • the number of visible elements. It is more than 1 if element width (div.car2) is set, in CSS, to a value smaller than carousel width (for example 50% or 33.33%). The width of all elements is supposed to be equal, and the size of carousel must be a multiple of the size of element.
  • the current swipe position. Value -1.0 corresponds to previous page, and +1.0 to next page.
val wheel : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.div_attrib > `Class ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list ->
  ?vertical:bool ->
  ?position:int ->
  ?transition_duration:float ->
  ?inertia:float ->
  ?allow_overswipe:bool ->
  ?update:[ `Goto of int | `Next | `Prev ] React.event
   Eliom_client_value.t ->
  ?disabled:bool Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  ?faces:int ->
  ?face_size:int ->
  [< Html_types.div_content ] Eliom_content.Html.elt list ->
  [> `Div ] Eliom_content.Html.elt * int Eliom_shared.React.S.t *
  float React.S.t Eliom_client_value.t

Carousel with 3D effect. Faces are displayed on a cylender. Give the number of faces you want as parameter faces (default: 20). The size of the faces (height for vertical carousel, width for horizontal) must be given as parameter face_size and must match the size given in the CSS (in pixel, default is 25). This carousel is vertical by default.

Function make returns:

  • the element,
  • the current position (as a react signal),
  • the current swipe position. Value -1.0 corresponds to previous page, and +1.0 to next page.
val bullets : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.ul_attrib ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list ->
  ?attributes:[< Html_types.li_attrib ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list
   list ->
  change:([ `Goto of int | `Next | `Prev ] -> unit) Eliom_client_value.t ->
  pos:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  length:int ->
  ?size:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  ?content:[< Html_types.li_content_fun ] Eliom_content.Html.elt list
   list ->
  unit -> [> `Ul ] Eliom_content.Html.elt

List of bullets for carousel. Current page has class "active". pos is a signal corresponding to current position. change is a function to change position of carousel. This is usually the function to trigger the event given as parameter to make. length must be exactly the number of elements in the carousel. Optional parameter attributes makes possible to give an HTML attribute to each bullet (for example a reactive class). Optional parameter size is the number of elements visible at the same time in the carousel (return by function make). Optional parameter content makes it possible to fill the bullets with Html elements.

val ribbon : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.ul_attrib ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list ->
  change:([ `Goto of int | `Next | `Prev ] -> unit) Eliom_client_value.t ->
  pos:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  ?size:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  ?initial_gap:int ->
  ?transition_duration:float ->
  ?cursor:float React.S.t Eliom_client_value.t ->
  [< Html_types.li_content_fun ] Eliom_content.Html.elt list list ->
  [> `Div ] Eliom_content.Html.elt

Menu (or tabs) for carousel. Current page has class "active". pos is a signal corresponding to current position. change is a function to change position of carousel. This is usually the function to trigger the event given as parameter to make. Optional parameter size is the number of elements visible at the same time in the carousel (return by function make). Optional parameter gap is the default gap on the left, in pixels. The last argument is the list of titles, for each carousel page, that will be included in <li> tags.

If cursor is present, an element is added below the ribbon to visualize the current position. It corresponds to the float signal returned by make.

val previous : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.button_attrib ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list ->
  change:([> `Goto of int | `Prev ] -> unit) Eliom_client_value.t ->
  ?offset:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  pos:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  Html_types.button_content Eliom_content.Html.elt list ->
  [> `Button ] Eliom_content.Html.elt

Button to go to the previous page (or mores page if offset is present).

val next : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.button_attrib ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list ->
  change:([> `Goto of int | `Next ] -> unit) Eliom_client_value.t ->
  ?offset:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  pos:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  size:int Eliom_shared.React.S.t ->
  length:int ->
  Html_types.button_content Eliom_content.Html.elt list ->
  [> `Button ] Eliom_content.Html.elt

Button to go to the next page (or more pages if offset is present).

val bind_arrow_keys : 
  ?use_capture:bool ->
  ?vertical:bool ->
  change:([> `Goto of int | `Next | `Prev ] -> unit) ->
  #Dom_html.eventTarget Js.t -> unit Lwt.t

Make arrow keys cause event change. Returns a thread that never stops until you call Lwt.cancel on it.