Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Module Ot_social_meta

module Ot_social_meta : sig..end

type t =  | Title | Description | Og_title | Og_site_name | Og_type | Og_description | Og_locale | Og_locale_alternate | Og_video | Og_video_url | Og_video_secure_url | Og_video_type | Og_video_with | Og_video_height | Og_image | Og_url | Og_image_secure_url | Og_image_type | Og_image_with | Og_image_height | Fb_admins | Twitter_card | Twitter_site | Twitter_site_id | Twitter_creator | Twitter_creator_id | Twitter_url | Twitter_title | Twitter_description | Twitter_image | Twitter_image_alt | Twitter_player | Twitter_player_width | Twitter_player_height | Twitter_player_stream | Twitter_app_name_iphone | Twitter_app_id_iphone | Twitter_app_url_iphone | Twitter_app_name_ipad | Twitter_app_id_ipad | Twitter_app_url_ipad | Twitter_app_name_googleplay | Twitter_app_id_googleplay | Twitter_app_url_googleplay | Unknown_meta of string * string
exception Unknown_property of string
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
val extract : 
  ?fallback:(Nethtml.document -> unit) ->
  ?tbl:(t, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t ->
  Nethtml.document list -> (t, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t

extract ?fallback ?tbl docs: Extract social meta tags from docs, add them in tbl and return tbl. If tbl is not provided, it is created. fallback is to be executed if a node not supported is matched.

val extract_from_string : 
  ?fallback:(Nethtml.document -> unit) ->
  ?tbl:(t, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t ->
  string -> (t, string) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t

Same as extract, but with a string instead of a Nethtml.document list