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Functor Svg_f.Wrapped_functions

module Wrapped_functions (Xml : Xml_sigs.T     with type ('a, 'b) W.ft = 'a -> 'b) : 
  Svg_sigs.Wrapped_functionswith module Xml = Xml

The standard set of wrapped functions, when W.ft is the regular function.

Parameters :

Xml:Xml_sigs.T with type ('a, 'b) W.ft = 'a -> 'b

module Xml : Xml_sigs.T
val string_of_alignment_baseline : 
  ([< Svg_types.alignment_baseline ], string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_bool : (bool, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_big_variant : ([< Svg_types.big_variant ], string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_coords : (Svg_types.coords, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_dominant_baseline : 
  ([< Svg_types.dominant_baseline ], string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_fourfloats : (float * float * float * float, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_in_value : ([< Svg_types.in_value ], string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_int : (int, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_length : (Svg_types.Unit.length, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_lengths : (Svg_types.lengths, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_number : (float, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_number_optional_number : 
  (float * float option, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_numbers : (float list, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_numbers_semicolon : (float list, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_offset : ([< Svg_types.offset ], string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_orient : (Svg_types.Unit.angle option, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_paint : ([< Svg_types.paint ], string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_strokedasharray : (Svg_types.lengths, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_transform : (Svg_types.transform, string) Xml.W.ft
val string_of_transforms : (Svg_types.transforms, string) Xml.W.ft