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TyXML JSX syntax

TyXML provides a ppx which allows use Reason's convenient JSX syntax while still enjoying the benefits and type-safety of TyXML. It is available as the tyxml-jsx package:

opam install tyxml-jsx


This syntax should be familiar to most Reason users:

# open Tyxml;

# let intro = <span id="hello"> "Hello!" </span>;
let intro: Tyxml_html.elt([> Html_types.span ]) =
  <span id="hello">Hello!</span>;

# let svgpath = <path d="M 0 1 L 1 0" />;
let svgpath: Tyxml_svg.elt([> Svg_types.path ]) =
  <path d="M 0 1 L 1 0"></path>;

The quotations will use the Html and Svg module that are available in scope, but it can also be disambiguated manually by prefixing the namespace.

We can also build list of elements:

# let nice_picture = <> <p>"picture: "</p> <Html.svg> svgpath </Html.svg> </> ;
let nice_picture: list(Tyxml_html.elt([> `P | `Svg ])) =
  [<p>picture: </p>,
   <svg><path d="M 0 1 L 1 0"></path></svg>];

We can nest various elements and use spreads:

# let content = <> intro <div class_="content"> ...nice_picture </div> </>;
let content: list(Tyxml_html.elt([> `Div | `Span ])) =
  [<span id="hello">Hello!</span>,
   <div class="content"><p>picture: </p><svg><path d="M 0 1 L 1 0"></path></svg></div>];

Finally, we can insert custom elements:

# module Page = {
  let createElement = (~title, ~children, ()) => {
        <title> {Html.txt(title)} </title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="home.css" />
      <body> ...children </body>
module Page:
    let createElement:
      (~title: string,
      ~children: list(Html.elt([< Html_types.object__content_fun ])),
      unit) => Html.doc;

# let this_title = "Weeee";
# let page = 
  <Page title=this_title>
let page: Html.doc = ....

In the previous examples, we used the textual implementation of tyxml (module Tyxml) in the tyxml library), but it works equally well with other implementations: - The DOM tree with the js_of_ocaml-tyxml library. Either the Js_of_ocaml_tyxml.Tyxml_js or the reactive version in Js_of_ocaml_tyxml.Tyxml_js.R. - The virtual_dom library with the module Virtual_dom.Tyxml.

In each case, simply open the module and the JSX syntax will use it.