Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Module Eliom_content_core.Html.R

module R : sig..end

val node : 
  'a Eliom_content_core.Html.elt React.signal ->
  'a Eliom_content_core.Html.elt

the function node s create an HTML5 elt from a signal s. The resulting HTML5 elt can then be used like any other HTML5 elt

val filter_attrib : 
  'a Eliom_content_core.Html.attrib ->
  bool React.signal -> 'a Eliom_content_core.Html.attrib
module Raw : 
with type +'a elt = 'a elt
and type +'a attrib = 'a attrib
include Eliom_content_core.Html.R.Raw