Module Eliom_parameter
module Eliom_parameter : sig..end
include Eliom_parameter_sigs.S
val user_type :
of_string:(string -> 'a) ->
to_string:('a -> string) ->
string ->
('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], [ `One of 'a ] param_name) params_type
Specifying parameter as user_type ~of_string ~to_string s tells that the service take a parameter, labeled s, and that the server will have to use of_string and to_string to make the conversion between the OCaml representation of the parameter and it's external representation as a string. It allows one to use whatever type you want for a parameter of the service.
val all_suffix_user :
of_string:(string -> 'a) ->
to_string:('a -> string) ->
string -> ('a, [ `Endsuffix ], [ `One of 'a ] param_name) params_type
Takes the whole suffix, as long as possible, with a type specified by the user.
val reconstruct_params_form :
(string * Js_of_ocaml.Form.form_elt) list ->
('a, [< suff ], 'b) params_type -> 'a option
val get_non_localized_get_parameters :
('a, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'b) non_localized_params -> 'a option