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Module Eliom_content.Html.Custom_data

module Custom_data : sig..end

Type-safe custom data for HTML. See the examples in the manual .

type 'a t

Custom data with values of type 'a.

val create : 
  name:string ->
  ?default:'a ->
  to_string:('a -> string) ->
  of_string:(string -> 'a) ->
  unit -> 'a t

Create a custom data field by providing string conversion functions. If the default is provided, calls to Eliom_content.Html.Custom_data.get_dom return that instead of throwing an exception Not_found.

val create_json : 
  name:string ->
  ?default:'a ->
  'a Deriving_Json.t -> 'a t

Create a custom data from a Json-deriving type.

val attrib : 
  'a t ->
  'a -> [> `User_data ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib

attrib my_data value creates a HTML attribute for the custom-data type my_data with value value for injecting it into an a HTML tree (Eliom_content.Html.elt ).