Module Eliom_registration.String_redirection
module String_redirection :
with type page = Eliom_lib.Url.uri
and type options =
[ `MovedPermanently
| `Found
| `SeeOther
| `NotNodifed
| `UseProxy
| `TemporaryRedirect ]
and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml
and type result = browser_content kind
Eliom service registration for services that returns a redirections towards a string-URL. See the Eliom manual for more information about Redirections outputs. The URL given must be an absolute URI.
The default returned HTTP code is 302 Found. You could use the optional parameter ~options to change this value, see Redirections for a detailed description.
include Eliom_registration_sigs.S
val create :
?app:string ->
?scope:[< Eliom_common.scope ] ->
?options:options ->
?charset:string ->
?code:int ->
?content_type:string ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
?secure_session:bool ->
?https:bool ->
?name:string ->
?csrf_safe:bool ->
?csrf_scope:[< Eliom_common.user_scope ] ->
?csrf_secure:bool ->
?max_use:int ->
?timeout:float ->
meth:('m, 'gp, 'gn, 'pp, 'pn, [< `WithSuffix | `WithoutSuffix ] as 'a,
Eliom_service.meth ->
path:('att, 'co, 'gp_) Eliom_service.path_option ->
?error_handler:((string * exn) list -> page Lwt.t) ->
('gp -> 'pp -> page Lwt.t) ->
('gp, 'pp, 'm, 'att, 'co, Eliom_service.non_ext, Eliom_service.reg,
'a, 'gn, 'pn, return)
Create a service and register it at the same time. It calls Eliom_service.create and then performs Eliom_registration_sigs.S.register. Returns the service.
val create_attached_get :
?app:string ->
?scope:[< Eliom_common.scope ] ->
?options:options ->
?charset:string ->
?code:int ->
?content_type:string ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
?secure_session:bool ->
?https:bool ->
?name:string ->
?csrf_safe:bool ->
?csrf_scope:[< Eliom_common.user_scope ] ->
?csrf_secure:bool ->
?max_use:int ->
?timeout:float ->
fallback:(unit, unit, Eliom_service.get, Eliom_service.att,
Eliom_service.non_co, Eliom_service.non_ext, 'a,
[ `WithoutSuffix ], unit, unit, return)
Eliom_service.t ->
get_params:('gp, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'gn) Eliom_parameter.params_type ->
?error_handler:((string * exn) list -> page Lwt.t) ->
('gp -> unit -> page Lwt.t) ->
('gp, unit, Eliom_service.get, Eliom_service.att,,
Eliom_service.non_ext, Eliom_service.reg, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'gn,
unit, return)
Create an attached service and register it at the same time. It calls Eliom_service.create_attached_get and then performs Eliom_registration_sigs.S.register. Returns the new service.
val create_attached_post :
?app:string ->
?scope:[< Eliom_common.scope ] ->
?options:options ->
?charset:string ->
?code:int ->
?content_type:string ->
?headers:Cohttp.Header.t ->
?secure_session:bool ->
?https:bool ->
?name:string ->
?csrf_safe:bool ->
?csrf_scope:[< Eliom_common.user_scope ] ->
?csrf_secure:bool ->
?max_use:int ->
?timeout:float ->
fallback:('gp, unit, Eliom_service.get, Eliom_service.att,
Eliom_service.non_co, Eliom_service.non_ext, 'a,
[ `WithoutSuffix ], 'gn, unit, return)
Eliom_service.t ->
post_params:('pp, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'pn) Eliom_parameter.params_type ->
?error_handler:((string * exn) list -> page Lwt.t) ->
('gp -> 'pp -> page Lwt.t) ->
('gp, 'pp,, Eliom_service.att,,
Eliom_service.non_ext, Eliom_service.reg, [ `WithoutSuffix ], 'gn,
'pn, return)
Create an attached POST service and register it at the same time. It calls Eliom_service.create_attached_post and then performs Eliom_registration_sigs.S.register. Returns the new service.