Module Eliom_state.Ext.Low_level
module Low_level : sig..end
Functions to access table data. Prefer using Eliom references.
val get_volatile_data :
state:([< `Client_process | `Session | `Session_group ], [< `Data ])
Eliom_state.Ext.state ->
table:'a Eliom_state.volatile_table -> 'a
Raises Not_found if no data in the table for the cookie.
val get_persistent_data :
state:([< `Client_process | `Session | `Session_group ], [< `Pers ])
Eliom_state.Ext.state ->
table:'a Eliom_state.persistent_table -> 'a Lwt.t
Fails with lwt exception Not_found if no data in the table for the cookie.
val set_volatile_data :
state:([< `Client_process | `Session | `Session_group ], [< `Data ])
Eliom_state.Ext.state ->
table:'a Eliom_state.volatile_table -> 'a -> unit
val set_persistent_data :
state:([< `Client_process | `Session | `Session_group ], [< `Pers ])
Eliom_state.Ext.state ->
table:'a Eliom_state.persistent_table -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t
Fails with lwt exception Not_found if no data in the table for the cookie.
val remove_volatile_data :
state:([< `Client_process | `Session | `Session_group ], [< `Data ])
Eliom_state.Ext.state ->
table:'a Eliom_state.volatile_table -> unit
val remove_persistent_data :
state:([< `Client_process | `Session | `Session_group ], [< `Pers ])
Eliom_state.Ext.state ->
table:'a Eliom_state.persistent_table -> unit Lwt.t