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Module Eliom_content.Xml

module Xml : sig..end

Low-level XML manipulation.

Base functions

See Xml_sigs.Iterable .

include Xml_sigs.Iterable

Unique nodes

Unique nodes are XML nodes that are manipulated 'by reference' when sent to the client part of an Eliom-application: the created element is allocated only one time in each instance of an application. See the eliom manual for more details.

Event handlers

type caml_event_handler

Values of type caml_event_handler represents event handler build with the {{ ... }} syntax (see the Eliom manual for more information on syntax extension). Such values are expected by functions like Eliom_content.Html.a_onclick.

val wrap : elt -> 'a -> 'a Eliom_wrap.wrapped_value

Eliom_content.Xml.wrap page v is like Eliom_wrap.wrap v but it makes sure that all elts in v which are included in page are sent with empty content. This is safe because such elements will be taken from the DOM on the client either ways.