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Module Os_session

module Os_session : sig..end

exception Not_connected
exception Permission_denied
val disconnect_all : ?user_indep:bool -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

Close all sessions of current user. If ?user_indep is true (default), will also affect user_indep_session_scope.

val disconnect : unit -> unit Lwt.t

Close a session by discarding server side states for current browser (session and session group), current client process (tab) and current request. Only default Eliom scopes are affected, but not user independent scopes. The actions registered for session close (by on_close_session) will be executed just before the session is actually closed.

val connected_fun : 
  ?allow:Os_types.Group.t list ->
  ?deny:Os_types.Group.t list ->
  ?deny_fun:(Os_types.User.id option -> 'c Lwt.t) ->
  (Os_types.User.id -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c Lwt.t

Wrapper for service handlers that fetches automatically connection information. Register (connected_fun f) as handler for your services, where f is a function taking user id, GET parameters and POST parameters. If no user is connected, the service will fail by raising Not_connected. Otherwise it calls function f. To provide another behaviour in case the user is not connected, have a look at Os_session.Opt.connected_fun or module Os_page.

Arguments ?allow and ?deny make possible to restrict access to some user groups. If access is denied, function ?deny_fun will be called. By default, it raises Permission denied.

When called on client side, no security check is done.

If optional argument force_unconnected is true, it will not try to find session information, and behave as if user were not connected (default is false). This allows to use functions from module Os_current_user in functions outside application without failing.

Use only one connection wrapper for each request!

val connected_rpc : 
  ?allow:Os_types.Group.t list ->
  ?deny:Os_types.Group.t list ->
  ?deny_fun:(Os_types.User.id option -> 'b Lwt.t) ->
  (Os_types.User.id -> 'a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'b Lwt.t

Wrapper for server functions (see Os_session.connected_fun).

val connected_wrapper : 
  ?allow:Os_types.Group.t list ->
  ?deny:Os_types.Group.t list ->
  ?deny_fun:(Os_types.User.id option -> 'b Lwt.t) ->
  ?force_unconnected:bool -> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'a -> 'b Lwt.t

Wrapper for server functions when you do not need userid (see Os_session.connected_fun). It is recommended to use this wrapper for all your server functions!

module Opt : sig..end