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Module Os_user

module Os_user : sig..end

This module provides functions and types about users.

type id = Os_types.User.id

Type alias to Os_types.User.id to allow to use Os_user.id.

type t = Os_types.User.t  = {
  userid: id;  fn: string;  ln: string;  avatar: string option;  language: string option;}

Type alias to Os_types.User.t to allow to use Os_user.t.

exception Already_exists of Os_types.User.id

Exception used if an user already exists. The parameter is the userid of the existing user.

exception No_such_user

Exception used if an user doesn't exist.

val password_set : Os_types.User.id -> bool Lwt.t

password_set userid returns true if the user with ID userid has set a password. Else false.

val wrong_password : bool Eliom_reference.Volatile.eref

Reference used to remember if a wrong password has been already typed.

val no_such_user : bool Eliom_reference.Volatile.eref

Reference used to remember if a wrong user has already been typed.

val account_not_activated : bool Eliom_reference.Volatile.eref

Reference used to remember if the account is activated.

val user_already_exists : bool Eliom_reference.Volatile.eref

Reference used to remember if the user already exists.

val user_does_not_exist : bool Eliom_reference.Volatile.eref

Reference used to remember if the user exists.

val user_already_preregistered : bool Eliom_reference.Volatile.eref

Reference used to remember if the user is already preregistered.

Reference used to remember if an action link key is outdated.

val userid_of_user : Os_types.User.t -> Os_types.User.id

userid_of_user user returns the userid of the user user.

val firstname_of_user : Os_types.User.t -> string

firstname_of_user user returns the first name of the user user

val lastname_of_user : Os_types.User.t -> string

lastname_of_user user returns the last name of the user user

val avatar_of_user : Os_types.User.t -> string option

avatar_of_user user returns the avatar of the user user as Some avatar_uri. It returns None if the user user has no avatar.

val avatar_uri_of_avatar : 
  ?absolute_path:bool -> string -> Eliom_content.Xml.uri

avatar_uri_of_avatar ?absolute_path avatar returns the URI (absolute or relative) depending on the value of absolute_path) of the avatar avatar.

val avatar_uri_of_user : 
  ?absolute_path:bool -> Os_types.User.t -> Eliom_content.Xml.uri option

avatar_uri_of_user user returns the avatar URI (absolute or relative) depending on the value of absolute_path) of the avatar of the user user. It returns None is the user user has no avatar.

val language_of_user : Os_types.User.t -> string option

language_of_user user returns the language of the user user

val fullname_of_user : Os_types.User.t -> string

Retrieve the full name of user (which is the concatenation of the first name and last name).

val is_complete : Os_types.User.t -> bool

is_complete user returns true if the first name and the last name of Os_types.user have been completed yet.

val add_actionlinkkey : 
  ?autoconnect:bool ->
  ?action:[ `AccountActivation | `Custom of string | `PasswordReset ] ->
  ?data:string ->
  ?validity:int64 ->
  ?expiry:CalendarLib.Calendar.t ->
  act_key:string ->
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

add_actionlinkkey ?autoconnect ?action ?data ?validity ?expiry ~act_key ~userid ~email () adds the action key in the database.

val verify_password : 
  email:string -> password:string -> Os_types.User.id Lwt.t

verify_password ~email ~password returns the userid if user with email email is registered with the password password. If password the password is wrong, it fails with exception Wrong_password. If user exists but account is not validated, it fails with exception Account_not_activated. If user has no password, it fails with exception Password_not_set. If user is not found, it fails with exception Os_user.No_such_user. If password is empty, it fails with exception Empty_password.

val user_of_userid : Os_types.User.id -> Os_types.User.t Lwt.t

user_of_userid userid returns the information about the user with ID userid.

val get_actionlinkkey_info : string -> Os_types.Action_link_key.info Lwt.t

Retrieve the data corresponding to an action link key, each call decrements the validity of the key by 1 if it exists and validity > 0 (it remains at 0 if it's already 0). It is up to you to adapt the actions according to the value of validity! Raises Os_db.No_such_resource if the action link key is not found.

val userid_of_email : string -> Os_types.User.id Lwt.t

userid_of_email email returns the userid of the user with email email. It raises the exception Os_db.No_such_resource if the email email is not used.

val emails_of_userid : Os_types.User.id -> string list Lwt.t

emails_of_userid userid returns the emails list of user with ID userid.

val email_of_userid : Os_types.User.id -> string option Lwt.t

email_of_userid userid returns the main email of user with ID userid.

val emails_of_user : Os_types.User.t -> string list Lwt.t

emails_of_user user returns the emails list of user user.

val email_of_user : Os_types.User.t -> string option Lwt.t

email_of_user user returns the main email of user user.

val get_language : Os_types.User.id -> string option Lwt.t

get_language userid returns the language of the user with ID userid. The language is retrieved from the database.

val get_users : ?pattern:string -> unit -> Os_types.User.t list Lwt.t

get_users ?pattern () gets users who match the pattern (useful for completion).

val create : 
  ?password:string ->
  ?avatar:string ->
  ?language:string ->
  ?email:string ->
  firstname:string -> lastname:string -> unit -> Os_types.User.t Lwt.t

create ?password ?avatar ?language ~firstname ~lastname email creates a new user with the given information. An email, the first name and the last name are mandatory.

val update : 
  ?password:string ->
  ?avatar:string ->
  ?language:string ->
  firstname:string -> lastname:string -> Os_types.User.id -> unit Lwt.t

update ?password ?avatar ?language ~firstname ~lastname userid update the given information of the user with ID userid. Only given information are updated.

val update' : ?password:string -> Os_types.User.t -> unit Lwt.t

Another version of update using a type Os_types.User.t instead of label.

val update_password : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> password:string -> unit Lwt.t

update_password ~userid ~password updates the password only. password must not be hashed: it is done by the function f_crypt of the tuple Os_db.pwd_crypt_ref.

val update_avatar : userid:Os_types.User.id -> avatar:string -> unit Lwt.t

update_avatar ~userid ~avatar updates the avatar of the user with ID userid.

val update_language : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> language:string -> unit Lwt.t

update_language ~userid ~language updates the language of the user with ID userid.

val is_registered : string -> bool Lwt.t

is_registered email returns true if a user exists with email email. Else, it returns false.

val is_preregistered : string -> bool Lwt.t

is_preregistered email returns true if a user exists with email email. Else, it returns false.

val add_preregister : string -> unit Lwt.t

add_preregister email adds an email into the preregister collections.

val remove_preregister : string -> unit Lwt.t

remove_preregister email removes an email from the preregister collections.

val all : ?limit:int64 -> unit -> string list Lwt.t

Get limit (default: 10) emails from the preregister collections.

val set_pwd_crypt_fun : 
  (string -> string) * (Os_types.User.id -> string -> string -> bool) ->

By default, passwords are encrypted using Bcrypt. You can customize this by calling this function with a pair of function (crypt and check password). The first parameter of the second function is the user id (in case you need it). Then it takes as second parameter the password given by user, and as third parameter the hash found in database.

val remove_email_from_user : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> unit Lwt.t

remove_email_from_user ~userid ~email removes the email email from the user with the id userid. If the email is registered as the main email for the user it fails with the exception Os_db.Main_email_removal_attempt.

val is_email_validated : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> bool Lwt.t

is_email_validated ~userid ~email returns whether for a user designated by its id the given email has been validated.

val is_main_email : userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> bool Lwt.t

is_main_email ~userid ~email returns whether an email is the main email registered for a given user designated by its id.

val update_main_email : 
  userid:Os_types.User.id -> email:string -> unit Lwt.t

update_mail_email ~userid ~email sets the main email for a user with the ID userid as the email email.