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Module Os_uploader

module Os_uploader : sig..end

This module defines functions to manipulate images to be uploaded.

exception Error_while_cropping of Unix.process_status

Raised if an error occurred while cropping a picture. The corresponding code status is given in parameter.

exception Error_while_resizing of Unix.process_status

Raised if an error occurred while resizing a picture. The corresponding code status is given in parameter.

val get_image_height : string -> int Lwt.t

Return the height of the given image.

val get_image_width : string -> int Lwt.t

Return the width of the given image.

val resize_image : 
  src:string ->
  ?dst:string -> width:int -> height:int -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

Resize the given image (src) and save it to dst (default is the source file). If an error occurred, it raises the exception Error_while_resizing with the corresponding unix process status.

val crop_image : 
  src:string ->
  ?dst:string ->
  ?ratio:float ->
  top:float ->
  right:float -> bottom:float -> left:float -> unit -> unit Lwt.t

crop_image ~src ?dst ?ratio ~top ~right ~bottom ~left crops the image saved in src and saves the result in dst (default is the source file). top, right, bottom and left are the number of pixels the image must be truncated on the specific side. The ratio is used after truncating the image. If an error occurred, it raises the exception Error_while_resizing or Error_while_cropping with the corresponding unix process status.

val record_image : 
  string ->
  ?ratio:float ->
  ?cropping:float * float * float * float ->
  Ocsigen_extensions.file_info -> string Lwt.t

record_image directory ?ratio ?cropping:(top, right, bottom, left) file crops the image like crop_image and save it in the directory directory. If an error occurred, it raises the exception Error_while_resizing or Error_while_cropping with the corresponding unix process status.