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Module Ot_pulltorefresh

module Ot_pulltorefresh : sig..end

Pull to refresh This widget can handle any element that needs to be refreshed after being pulled down.

type state =  | Pulling | Ready | Loading | Succeeded | Failed

Represents the state of the gesture behavior. `Pulling` happens while the motion hasn't reached the threshold. `Ready` happens while releasing the fingers will trigger the event. `Succeeded` happens for a short time after a sucessfull event. `Failed` happens for a short time after a failed event.

val make : 
  ?a:[< Html_types.div_attrib > `Class ] Eliom_content.Html.attrib list ->
  ?app_only:bool ->
  ?scale:float ->
  ?dragThreshold:float ->
  ?refresh_timeout:float ->
  ?header:(state option ->
   ([< Html_types.div_content_fun > `Div ] as 'a)
   Eliom_content.Html.elt list)
   Eliom_shared.Value.t ->
  content:'a Eliom_content.Html.elt ->
  (unit -> bool Lwt.t) Eliom_client_value.t -> 'a Eliom_content.Html.elt

Creates a pull-to-refresh container from an html element. ?a is the attribute array of the returned element ?app_only specifies whether to activate the behavior only in the mobile app or also do it in a browser. Useful if you want refreshable contents in your page that should also work inside a mobile browser. (default true) ?scale is the scaling factor of the drag motion. Higher values means the page will follow the motion of the finger more closely. (default 5) ?dragThreshold is a threshold. The container will be refreshed if the motion distance goes above the specified threshold (default 80px). ?refresh_timeout is the maximum amount of seconds to wait for the reload to happen. If there is a connection error or some other error, this duration is how long to wait for a response. (default 20s) ?header is a function defining what to display in the space revealed when pulling the page down, depending on the state of the gesture. IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of the way this module is implemented, that space needs a fixed height. If you want to give a custom display function, you also need to re-style the class `ot-pull-refresh-head-container` to override its height and top-margin. (default displays a spinner until success or failure) content is the html element from which the container is created. Finally, user needs to provide an afterPull function to refresh the container.