Warning: Reason support is experimental. We are looking for beta-tester and contributors.

Module Eliom_predefmod.Streamlist

module Streamlist:
   Eliom_mkreg.ELIOMREGSIG   with
    type page = (((unit -> string Ocsigen_stream.t Lwt.t) list) *

Allows to send raw data using Ocsigen's streams. The content is a pair conatining:

  • a list of functions returning a stream and the function to close it,
  • the content type string to send.

Streams are opened by calling the functions in the list, and closed automatically by a call to the closing function. If something goes wrong, the current stream is closed, and the following are not opened.

module Cookies:
    with type page = page * Eliom_services.cookie list