How to write forms?
To write an HTML form towards an Eliom service
Just as we do for links, we provide form-building functions that call Eliom services in a safe manner. These functions are provided in the module Eliom_content.Html.D.Form (and Eliom_content.Html.F.Form). The functions Eliom_content.Html.D.Form.get_form and Eliom_content.Html.D.Form.post_form accept a function (named create_form in our example below) which is responsible for generating the content from appropriately-typed parameter names.
Here a complete example.
open Eliom_parameter
open Eliom_content.Html.D
(* Create the form with some inputs *)
let%server create_form =
(fun (number_name, (number2_name, string_name)) ->
[p [txt "Write an int: ";
~input_type:`Text ~name:number_name;
txt "Write another int: ";
~input_type:`Text ~name:number2_name;
txt "Write a string: ";
Form.input ~input_type:`Text ~name:string_name Form.string;
Form.input ~input_type:`Submit ~value:"Click" Form.string]])
let%server form_result_service = Eliom_service.create
~path:(Eliom_service.Path ["form-result"])
~meth:(Eliom_service.Get ((int "number_name") ** ((int "number2_name") ** (string "string_name"))))
let%server form_result_handler =
(fun (number_name, (number2_name, string_name)) () ->
Lwt.return (
(head (title (txt "")) [])
(body [
p [
txt "First number: ";
txt (string_of_int number_name);
p [
txt "Second number: ";
txt (string_of_int number2_name);
p [
txt "String: ";
txt string_name
let%server form_service = Eliom_service.create
~path:(Eliom_service.Path ["form"])
~meth:(Eliom_service.Get unit)
let%server form_handler =
(fun () () ->
let form = Form.get_form ~service:form_result_service create_form in
(head (title (txt "Form example")) [])
(body [form])))
let%server () =
Eliom_registration.Html.register ~service:form_result_service form_result_handler;
Eliom_registration.Html.register ~service:form_service form_handler
As shown in the example, Eliom_content.Html.D.Form provides functions for generating the various widgets, e.g., Eliom_content.Html.D.Form.input. These functions need to be called with a "type" argument (e.g., that matches the type of the corresponding parameter name.
POST forms may also take get parameters, as last argument of function post_form:
(fun my_string ->
p [txt "Write a string: ";
Form.input ~input_type:`Text ~name:my_string Form.string])
Raw forms
There is also a raw interface to write basic forms without Eliom, using standard tyxml constructors.
Use module Eliom_content.Html.D.Raw.