HTML in 5 minutes
The Tyxml library makes it possible to type-check HTML pages. This means that your Ocsigen program will never generate pages which do not follow the recommendations from the W3C. For example a program that could generate a page with a paragraph inside another paragraph will be rejected at compile time.
Typed HTML
Tyxml (or modules obtained by applying Tyxml functor, like Eliom_content.Html.D) defines a contructor function for each HTML tag, and for each attribute.
(head (title (txt "Hello")) [])
(body [ h1 [txt "Hello"] ;
p [txt "Blah"] ])
As tag <html> contains a tag <head> and <body>, function html takes two parameters:
val html : [`Head] elt -> [`Body] elt -> [`Html] elt
The only way to create a value of type [`Head] elt is to use function head, and the only way to create a value of type [`Body] elt is to use function body.
As a <title> tag is mandatory inside <head>, function head takes a [`Title] elt as first argument (that can be created using function title), then the list of other children.
Function txt is used to include raw text.
Error messages
If you write an invalid page, for example:
(head (title (txt "")) [txt ""])
(body [txt "Hallo"]))
You will get an error message similar to the following, referring to the end of line 2:
Error: This expression has type ([> `TXT ] as 'a) Html.elt but an expression was expected of type Html_types.head_content_fun Html.elt Type 'a is not compatible with type Html_types.head_content_fun = [ `Base | `Command | `Link | `Meta | `Noscript of [ `Link | `Meta | `Style ] | `Script | `Style ] The second variant type does not allow tag(s) `TXT
where Html_types.head_content_fun is the type of content allowed inside <head> (<base>, <command>, <link>, <meta>, etc.). Notice that `TXT (i.e. raw text) is not included in this polymorphic variant type, which means that <head> cannot contain raw text.
Attributes are given to functions using optional argument ?a.
div ~a:[a_id "the_id"; a_class ["firstclass"; "secondclass"]]
[ txt "blah" ]
OCaml node and DOM nodes
Tyxml builds OCaml nodes. If you are using it server side, they are serialized as an XML text before being sent to the browser. On client side, if you want to get the DOM node corresponding to an OCaml node, use functions from module Eliom_content.Html.To_dom, for example Eliom_content.Html.To_dom.of_element, or Eliom_content.Html.To_dom.of_input, Eliom_content.Html.To_dom.of_textarea, etc.
If the node has been created with Eliom_content.Html.F (functional nodes), a new DOM node will be created every time you call such a conversion function.
If the node has been created with Eliom_content.Html.D, the conversion function will return the exact DOM node that exists in the page (and always the same one). If this "D" node is created server-side, Eliom will automatically add a identifier in the HTML page to be able to find it back.
open Eliom_content.Html
let%server create_widget () =
let d = D.div [ ... ] in
ignore [%client
Lwt.async (fun () ->
Lwt_js_events.clicks (To_dom.of_element ~%d) (fun _ _ -> ... )) ];
Here, d must be a "D" node, as I want to bind click events on the actual node (that is already in the page), not create a new one.
Remember to use "D" nodes if you want to use it in a injection (~%d). If you don't to bother about "D" or "F" nodes, use "D" nodes by default (even if it will generate too much identifiers in the page). But remember that, the DOM semantics implies that "D" nodes cannot be inserted twice in a page.
Module Eliom_content.Html.Manip makes it possible to manipulate OCaml nodes without conversions (add them in a page, replace a node, add as child of another node, add a class, etc.).
Reactive nodes
Module Eliom_content.Html.R makes it possible to create reactive nodes, that is, nodes that will be updated automatically when the data on which they depend change.
It is based on module React, which implements functional reactive programming for OCaml.
More documentation
Have a look at Tyxml's manual and Eliom's manual for more documentation about HTML manipulation in OCaml.