Reactive Media Player
You should read the Playing Music tutorial before this one.
Since version 4, Eliom embeds the React library in order to provide reactive HTML elements (Eliom_content.Html.R).
The final Eliom code is available for download.Basics ¶
A reactive element, or more generally a reactive value, depends on the current value of a signal. For instance :
open Eliom_content
open Html
let%client s, set_s = React.S.create 0 (* signal creation *)
let%shared example_div () =
C.node {{R.txt ( string_of_int s)}}
let%shared incr_button =
~a:[a_onclick [%client fun _ -> set_s (succ (React.S.value s)) ]]
[txt "Increment"])
The signal s carries an int value initialized at 0 and set_s is the update function generating an occurence of the signal.
example_div is a <div> containing a string which depends on the value of s.
The magic part: we never have to explicitly update example_div. Its behavior is declaratively described in it's own code, and not in the code of the button.
Functional Reactive Media Player ¶
This part explains how to create a simple media player, similar to the Playing Music tutorial but with custom controls.We will apply FRP (Functional Reactive Programming).
In order to provide a short tutorial, we only create three controls: play, pause and seek/progress bar. So, let's write the corresponding type:
open Eliom_content
open Html
type action = Play | Pause | Seek of float
let%client media_s, set_media_s = React.S.create Pause
Each HTML element emits a signal value corresponding to its action. It is enough to create our "play" and "pause" inputs.
let pause_button () =
~a:[a_onclick [%client fun _ -> set_media_s Pause ]]
[txt "Pause"])
let play_button () =
~a:[a_onclick [%client fun _ -> set_media_s Play ]]
[txt "Play"])
To use our buttons, we now create a media (audio or video) HTML element on the server side.
let media_uri =
~service:(Eliom_service.static_dir ())
let media_tag () =
let media = D.(audio ~src:media_uri [txt "alt"]) in
let _ = [%client
(Lwt.async (fun () ->
let media = To_dom.of_audio ~%media in
let media_map = function
| Play ->
| Pause ->
| Seek f ->
media##.currentTime := (f /. 100. *. media##.duration)
in Lwt_react.S.keep ( media_map media_s) ;
Lwt_js_events.timeupdates media (fun _ _ ->
set_progress_s (media##.currentTime, media##.duration) ;
Lwt.return ()
: unit)
] in
The function media_tag builds an <audio> element. The code in [%client ... ] is on the client part. It's an Lwt thread that maps a function media_action -> unit to the signal media_s.
module React_Player_app =
let application_name = "react_player"
let media_service =
~path:(Eliom_service.Path [])
~meth:(Eliom_service.Get Eliom_parameter.unit)
let () =
(fun name () ->
let body =
D.(body [
h2 [txt "Media"];
media_tag ();
div [play_button (); pause_button (); progress_bar ()]
Lwt.return (Eliom_tools.D.html ~title:"Media" ~css:[] body))
Now you should have an ΗΤΜL node with an audio tag, and two buttons: play and pause. The progress bar is slightly harder to understand, but thanks to FRP, very easy to write. It's basically an input with range type. In our program, the progress bar must emit the signal media_s with the value Seek f at input handling. Then, it must evolve during media playback, for which we need another signal. To conclude, we must check that the display (the value) of the progress bar is not modified when the user is seeking.
let%client progress_s, set_progress_s = React.S.create (0., 0.)
let%client unblock_s, set_unblock_s = React.S.create true
let progress_bar () =
let progress_value =
(let f (time, duration) =
if duration = 0. then 0. else time /. duration *. 100.
in f progress_s
: float React.signal)
] in
let attrs = D.([
a_input_min 0.;
a_input_max 100.;
a_onmousedown [%client fun _ -> set_unblock_s false];
a_onmouseup [%client fun _ -> set_unblock_s true];
C.attr [%client
( (Printf.sprintf "%0.f")
(React.S.on unblock_s 0. ~%progress_value))]
let d_input =
D.Form.input ~input_type:`Range ~value:0. ~a:attrs
let _ = [%client
(Lwt.async (fun () ->
let d_input = To_dom.of_input ~%d_input in
Lwt_js_events.inputs d_input (fun _ _ ->
set_media_s (Seek (Js.parseFloat d_input##.value)) ;
Lwt.return ()
: unit)
] in
To end this tutorial, you can add a progress_bar () call inside the div containing play and pause. We also need a mechanism which emits the progress_s signal. We modify the media tag with an eventhandler on timeupdate.
let media_tag () =
let media = D.(audio ~src:media_uri [txt "alt"]) in
let _ = [%client
(Lwt.async (fun () ->
let media = To_dom.of_audio ~%media in
let media_map = function
| Play ->
| Pause ->
| Seek f ->
media##.currentTime := (f /. 100. *. media##.duration)
in Lwt_react.S.keep ( media_map media_s) ;
Lwt_js_events.timeupdates media (fun _ _ ->
set_progress_s (media##.currentTime, media##.duration) ;
Lwt.return ()
: unit)
] in
- Add a control to set the volume
- Add an Eliom_bus to control several clients